Vampires in Literature 2

The second and last part of this extract from The Vampire in Literature: a Critical Bibliography (edited by Margaret L. Carter, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.: Umi Research Press 1989.) The types of vampire literature are broken down into categories. An amazing and comprehensive work that will probably be much longer if they bring it up to date.

In - Inanimate object, e.g., a house or a car, acts as a a vampire.
Examples: Benson, Edward Frederic. 'The Room in the Tower'. 1912.
Bloch, Robert. 'The Hungry House'. 1951.

J - Juvenile fiction.
Examples: Schoder, J. 'The Bloody Suckers'. 1981.
Scott, R. C. 'Blood Sport'. 1984.

L - Character functions a s vampire while still living, without passing through any form of death.
Examples: Giles, Raymond. 'Night of the Vampire'. 1969.

MN - Movie novelization. I note this fact wherever I am aware of it.
Examples: Johnson, Ken. 'Hounds of Dracula'. 1977.
Burke, John. 'Dr. Terror's House of Horrors'. 1965.

NE - Vampire based on non-european (usually Oriental) folklore.
Examples: Salmonson, Jessica Amanda. 'Tomoe Gozen'. 1980.

Pl  - Blood-drinking or energy-draining plant, including the ambulatory intelligent plants of Knight's "Eripmav".
Examples: Bloch, Robert. 'Fear Planet'. 1943.

Pos - Possession by the dead, usually daring the vim's life-force or personality in order to be reborn in his or her body.
Examples: Bertin, Eddy C. 'A House with a Garden'. 1972.
Rousseau, Victor. 'A Cry from Beyond'. 1931.

R - Reverse vampirism - an entity pours energy into the "victim" rather than draining it. The entity may be a conduit for energy drawn from other victims, as in Sturgeon's "The Professor's Teddy Bear".
Examples: Bradbury, Ray. 'A Medicine for the Melancholy'. 1959.

Rob - Robot, android, or cyborg vampire.
Examples: Bischoff, David. 'Nightworld'. 1981.
Lafferty, R. A. 'This Grand Carcass'. 1968.

Sa - Vampirism involving a Satanist cult or similar evil occultism.
Examples: Siciliano, Sam. 'Blood Farm'. 1988.

Se - Sexual predator, akin to an incubus or succubus, which many feed on either blood or energy.
Examples: Wakefield, H. Russell. 'Monstrous Regiment'. 1961.
Walter, R. R. 'Ludlow's Mill'. 1981.

Sp - A formerly human vampire who is spectral rather than corporeal.
Examples: Wyndham, John. 'Close Behind Him'. 1953.
Benson, Edward Frederic. 'Negotium Perambulans'. 1923.

Tr - Transformation of the victim into the attacker's likeness, when related to some sort of energy-draining or parasitism.
Examples: Strieber, Whitley. 'The Hunger'. 1981.
Rudorff, Raymond. 'The House of Brandersons'. 1973.

Un - Animated dead ("undead"), providing he or she has some independent volition. Zombies acting mindlessly or under the control of some other intelligence are excluded.
Examples: Poe, Edgar Allan. 'Berenice'. 1835.
Paul, Hugo. 'Master of the Undead'. 1968.

V - Traditional vampire, roughly conforming to the pattern established by 'Carmilla' and 'Dracula' - although, of course, the stories in which such vampires appear may differ considerably in tone and plot structure from these classics.
Examples: Ramsland, Katherine. 'Path of Least Resistance'. 1988.
Randolphe, Arabella. 'The Vampire Tapes'. 1977.
Ackerman, Forrest J. "The Man who was Thirsty", 1969.

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