Library Lists

A piece of pre-Amazonian technology for ordering books from libraries, a rare, ephemeral survival probably from the 1930s...  An attractive little booklet with a carbon at the rear for keeping duplicates of 'library lists'. Inside are the following instructions--

These lists are made up from Literary Supplements, Publishers Lists of new books, reviews and books recommended by friends.

The list is torn out at perforation and sent to Library.

 The carbon copy is retained as a check on the books received.

 The carbon copy also becomes a useful record of books read, books to be recommended to friends, and a reminder of the works of Authors you have read. 

The booklet (about 40 pages) was part of something called the Terston Series and probably dates from around 1930.They also produced books off ready made bookplates and bookmarks…

One thought on “Library Lists

  1. Jindy

    A lovely image. I have one but not in such nice condition and with green string ties. Thanks for posting this.


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