I once met The Clash. It was the summer of 1977, the year of Punk. Somehow I knew the roadie of the Sex Pistols who was known as Boogie (as in 'book' not 'boon') - later he became an art dealer like his father and I rented him a gallery, back then his flat near Bell Street (many bookshops there then) was always full of punk musos inc Malcolm McLaren, Bernie Rhodes - I even saw Vivienne Westwood there once.
I recall meeting the whole of The Clash there once, they were standing about in zipped and paint spattered clothes. They were off to the West End and wanted to know the way to Shaftesbury Avenue. As there were 5 of them (for some reason they had Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols with them) I suggested they just get a cab. Joe Strummer's reaction was interesting he said 'No cabs. We'll walk there, we're in love with life.' His voice was vaguely middle class, something he didn't bother to hide. I liked him. That's it.
I was a friend and student of Elizabeth’s in 1965-1970 in San Francisco the painting shown she was working on in her studio on Paige St. It is out of the Fugue series.
Do you have any more images of her works or access to more???
She called her work”Architectonic”
My husband and I sublet her studio in 1967 while she went to Taos for a year to study Constellations.
We lost touch after 1970.