From a rare pamphlet Three Poems published by Edwin B Hill 'Ysleta' 1933 with an intro by Vincent Starrett - this Lionel Johnson poem found on the flyleaf of a work by Robert Louis Stevenson. These are possibly from Starrett's own collection.

Because with many a goodly word,
My flagging pulses you have stirred,
And, when to me high noon seemed night,
Have flooded me with gallant light:
I, who, to this, your island home,
A stranger, yet a friend have come,
Give, for your memorable sake,
'This poor, best wish, that I could make.
Also a Johnson poem saluting Oscar Wilde on the publication of Dorian Gray. This has the true decadent 1890s feel (it was in Latin with a recent translation via the Et in Arcadia Ego site). Starrett states that this poem addressed to Oscar Wilde is from an original 'privately owned' manuscript (a valuable item) - it ends thus:
Hic sunt poma Sodomorum;
Hic sunt corda vitiorum;
Et peccata dulcia.
In excelsis et infernis,
Tibi sit, qui tanta cernis,
Gloriarum gloria
Here are the apples of Sodom!
Here are the hearts of corruption
And sweet sins!
In heaven and hell
May there be to you, who understands so much,
Glories of glories!