An old list (a 24 page pamphlet) put out by a superior antiquarian bookshop (Walter T. Spencer) in 1920s London. The bookseller has noted almost every single desirable book at that time. Many titles are now forgotten, no longer wanted, impossible to find OR still extremely valuable or even more wanted now than then (e.g. Jane Austen, The Brontes, Beardsley, Wilde.)
- BY -
(Opposite Mudie's Library and near the British Museum).
Telephone No. 5847 Central. Telegraphic Address- "Phiz, London." Private Address- CULVER HOUSE, THE ESPLANADE, SHANKLIN, ISLE OF WIGHT.
Bankers - LONDON & COUNTY (New Oxford St. Branch).
Any Parcels of Books sent, I willingly pay carriage both ways, if we do not come to terms.
Cash always sent by Return Post. Established 1884
→ Shall be glad to hear of Imperfect Copies or Odd Vols of any Books or odd plates in this List.
Many of the books were very rare even then - especially anonymous pamphlets put out by the Romantics and items such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning's impossible first book Battle of Marathon. Spencer's list encapsulates bookseller wisdom of his age and rarities passed down from 19th century book sellers. These were the 'sexy' books of his day and some of them are still appearing on wants list, some no longer wanted or too easily found (e.g. Charles Lever, Frank Smedley, Walter Scott.)

O.F. Snelling wrote in a book trade memoir '...much of what he knew has certainly gone into limbo...some of the best tales I ever heard of Spencer's dealings never got into his book.' He was a constructor of false provenances, involved with some fake Shaw letters, a maker up of questionable sets of Dickens in the parts and would also 'sophisticate' books with unacknowledged facsimiles. His 1920 wants list (undoubtedly effective) could, to a great degree, have been the source of his fortune. It partly answer bibliophile A.E. Newton's remark- 'How he does it, where he gets them, is his business.' There is often an ingenious trick or stratagem behind fortunes made in the book or art trade.
The first book mentioned Absurdities In Prose & Verse is illustrated by Alfred Crowquill (pic by him above) with 13 hand coloured plates and now goes for £150 + in nice condition, for the ninth book in the list - A Declaration of the State of Virginia (1620) sells for circa £15000. It is likely that Spencer put many standard collector's books in his list to hide the occasional devastatingly valuable book.
Absurdities In Prose Verse, 1827 Account of New South Wales, 1804 -Any Books published by him, with coloured plates Actors by Daylight, 1838-9, 55 Nos. Actors by Gaslight, 1838, 37 Nos. Adair (J.) History of American Indians, 1775 Adam (R. and J.) Works in Architecture, 3 vols, folio, 1778, &c. Addison (J.) Damascus and Palymyra, 2 vols, 1838 A Day's Ride, second edition A Declaration of the State of Virginia, 1620 A Dialogue in the Shades, 1766 Adonais, an Elegy on the DEAth of John Keats, by P. B. S., Pisa,1821 Adventures of a Post Captain, with coloured plates, d (1821) Adventures of Count Fathom, 2 vols, 1753 Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaesv, 2 vols, 1762 Adventures of Ulysses, 1808 Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy, 1818 Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, 3 vols, 1844 or 1846 Advice, a Satire, 4to, 1746 AEsop's Fables, any editions before 1600 Africa (South), Bound Volumes of Tracts relating to -Any Volumes, or Series of Plates, relating to Agnes Gray, Vol 3, 1847 Agrippa (C.) Trattato di Scientia d'Arme, 4to, Roma, 1553 Ainsworth (W. H.) Rookwood, 1836 or 1851, illustrated Alaric at Rome, a pamphlet, Rugby, 1840. (£20 offered) Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude, and other Poems, 1816 Aldine Poets (The), 53 vols, 1830-46 Alice in Wonderland, 1865 or 1866 A Letter to Lord Ellenborough, Barnstaple, 1812 Alken, Analysis of the Hunting Field, 1846 Alken (Henry) National Sports, 1812, 1823, or 1825 -Life of a Racehorse, 1848 -Any books illustrated by him -Any set of prints or separate ones by him Alpine Journal, set, or any vols or numbers, especially Nos. 21 and 101 Alps, The High, without Guides, 1870 Alps, Any books on the Alton Locke, 2 vols, 1850 Amelia, 4 vols, 1752, or odd vols America, books on, printed before 1850 America, any series of views, or separate prints of views in N. America and Canada American Musical Miscellany, 1798 Analyst (The), vols 1 to 3, or any Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621 Anecdotes of PAinting in England, 5 vols, 1826 Angelo on Fencing An Address to the Irish People, 1812 An Elegy Wrote in a Country Churchyard, 1751 An Essay on Mind, 1826 An Historical Account of Pensilvania, 1698 Angas (G. F.) New Zealanders, 1847 -South Australia -Kaffirs, illustrated, 1849 Angling, Any books on, before 1700 Annals of Gallantry, 3 vols, 1814-15, or odd Annals of Sporting, 13 vols, or odd Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette, by four Anglo-Indian Writers, Lahore, 1885 Annual Register, 1850 to date Any books on the Alpine District since 1840 Any books printed before 1500 Any books illustrated by Phiz (H. K. Browne) Any Books having Presentation Inscription of the Author or of any Donor of importance other than the Author ; or with drawings, autograph marginalia, &c. Any books illustrated by Durer, Burgmair, Ammon, or other ald artists of merit Any books issued by the abbotsford, Bannatyne, Maitland, Roxburghe, or similar clubs Any books on vellum with illuminations (Missals, Breviaries, Horae, Processionales, Service Books, &c.) Any Books, Tracts, Maps, or Views relating to Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, New England, Nova Scotia, or other North American Colonies ; or to Canada before 1830 Any books with extra illustrations Any Early Romances of Chivalry Any Fine Art Books of Superior Class . antique or modern Any Fine Early Bindings, or with embroidered covers Any Galleries of Good Engravings : especially coloured or mezzotint Any Prints of Military Uniforms published by Ackermann, Greaves, McLean, Colnaghi, Fores, &c. Any Old Atlases, or Books containing Early Maps of the World, or of America, before 1800 Any Old Chap-Books with Coloured Frontispieces, or the same (or Sheet Ballads and Broadsides) with antique woodcuts Any Old Editions of the Bible, New Testament, Psalter, &c., if of rarity only Any Old Jest Books and Drolleries Any Vols Old Newspapers before 1700 Any Old Sporting Books Any Old Humorous Scrap Books Any Old Coloured Engravings by Cruikshank, George Morland, Bartolozzi, Wheatley, Ward, Singleton, Bigge, &c. Any Manuscripts, Presentation Copies, Letters, &c. of Dickens, Thackeray, C. Lamb, P. B. Shelley, J. Keats, R. Burns, or any of the favourite authors and authoresses ; very high prices given for these Any Portraits of General Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Major Andre, Paul Jones, Edmund Kean Any really rare Black Letter books Any Triumphs ; or Wedding, Funeral or other Pageants with Plates Any very fine Caligraphy, in MS., or Engraved or Old Books on the Art Any volumes of 16th-17th Century Black Letter Proclamations, Act of Parliaments ; especially of a Local, Trade, American, Jacobite, &c. interest Apianus (P.) Inscriptiones Sacrosanctae, small folio, Ingolstadt, 1534 A Poetical Essay on the Existing State of Things, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford, 1811 A Proposal for putting Reform to the Vote, by the Hermit of Marlow, 1817 Arabian Nights. Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, with notes by Sir R. Burton, 10 or 16 vols, 1885-8 Archaeologia Cantiana (Set or Run) A Refutation of Deism, 1814 A Rent in a Cloud, green cloth, Chapman & Hall, N D (1869), or any edition Aretino, Capricciosi, 8vo, Cosmopoli, 1660 Army and Navy Gentleman's Companion, 1784 Arnold (Matthew) Alaric at Rome, pamphlet, Rugby, 1840. £20 offered -Cromwell, pamphlet, 1843 -The Strayed Reveller, by A., 1849 -Empedocles on Etna, by A., 1852 Arthur O'Leary, 3 vols, 1844 Artists' Repository, 4 vols, 4to Art of Cookery, by a Lady, 1747 Art of Manual Defence, 1789 A Sentimental Journey, 2 vols, 1768, or odd Ask Mamma, in monthly parts or cloth, 1858 Assurance Magazine, vols 1 to 13, or any Astrology, Any old books on A Tale of Rosamund Gray, 1798 Atkyns (Sir R.) State of Gloucestershire, folio, 1712 Aucassin and Nicolete, translated by Andrew Lang, 1887 Audsley and Bowes, Keramic Arts of Japan, 2 vols, folio, 1875 Audsley, Ornamental Arts of Japan, 2 vols, folio, 1882 Audubon (J.) Birds of America, 7 vols, or odd Auld Licht Idylls, 8vo, 1888 Australia, Any books on pamphlets on, before 1830 Australia, any Views (sets or odd) before 1860 A Vindication of Natural Diet, a philosophical poem, 1813 Bab Ballads, 1869.; also More Bab Ballads, N D Bacchus and Venus, Songs and Catches, 1737 Bacon (Francis), any works before 1830 Badminton Library, Hunting, large paper 1885 Baker (G.) Newe Jewell of Health, 4to, 1576, or similar works Baker's Northamptonshire, 5 vols, royal folio, 1822-41 Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, 1872 Ballades in Blue China, 1880 or 1881 Baring-Gould (S.) Iceland, 1863 -Were Wolves, 1865 Barker (T.) Art of Angling, 4to, 1653 Barlow (F.) Severall Wayes of Hunting, Hawking and Fishing, plates, folio, 1671 Barrington (G.) New South Wales, 1810 -Botany Bay Bartsch, Le Peintre Graveur, set or long run Basile (G.) The Pentamerone, 1848 Batchelar's Banquet, 1603 Baxter, Cabinet of Painting, 1837 -Colour Prints by ; any in books, or loose, or Scrapbooks containing any -The following Colour Prints : "The Parting Look," "The Queen Opening Parliament," "The Coronation of Queen Victoria," and any other large or small ones by G. Baxter Beaumont (F.) Poems, 4to, 1640, or any of his Plays Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, 11 vols, 1843 -1 vol, 1647 Beauty and the Beast, small square child's book, 1811 Beckford, Thoughts on Hunting, 1781, 1796, or 1810, or any old edition Bede (Cuthbert) Verdant Green, first edition, 1853-1854-1857 Bee (The) Essays on Interesting Subjects, 1759 Behmen (Jacob) Works, 4 vols, 4to, 1764-81 Bell (Currer, E. and A.) Poems, 1846 Bell (T.) Kalogynomia, 8vo, 1821 Belvoir Hunt, Journal of the, any years Bennet (C. H.) Any books with coloured illustrations by, before 1870 Bentham and Muller, Flora Australiensis, 3 vols Bentham (W.) Handbooks British Flora, 2 vols, 8vo Bentham's (Jeremy) Works, 11 vols, 1843 Berkeley (G. F.) Reminiscences of a Huntsman, 1854 Berners (Lord) Arthur of Little Britaine, 4to, 1814 Berry (W.) Pedigrees of Essex, 1841 -Pedigrees of Kent, folio, 1830 -Pedigrees of Sussex, 2 vols, folio, 1830 Beverley (R.) History of Virginia, 1705 or 1722 Bewick's History of Birds, 2 vols ; Quadrupeds, Aesop's Fables, Select Fables, and any others illustrated by him before 1830 Bickham (G.) Musical Entertainer, 1733 or 1740 Bigmore and Wyman's Bibliography of Printing, 2 vols, 4to, 1880-86 Billing's Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, 4 vols Birch's Pottery and Porcelain, 2 vols Black Thief (The), a Drama from the Irish, 12mo, privately printed, 1882 Blagdon (F. W.) Life of George Morland, 1806 Blair's Cyclopaedia of Australia Blake (W.) The Book of Thel, 1789 -Gates of Paradise, 1793 -Vision of the Daughters of Albion, 1793 -America, a Prophecy, 1793 -The First Books of Urizen, 1794 -Jerusalem, 1804 -Book of Job -Angels and Devils -Heaven and Hell -Poetical Sketches, 1783 Blank Verse, by C. Lloyd and Ch. Lamb, 1798 Blason de Fleurs (Le), 1581 Blomefield and Parkins' History of Norfolk, 11 vols, 4to, 1805-10 Blue Stocking Revels, N D Blackmore (R. D. Lorna Doone, 3 vols, 1869 -Clara Vaughan, 3 vols, 1864 Boccaccio, Falles of Princes, translated by Lidgate, folio, 1554 Boccaccio (or Boccace) Decamerone, 5 vols, 8vo, 1757, or any old Italian edition Boeck vanden pelgherym, folio, 1586 Bohn's Extra Volumes, any Bon Gaultier's Book of Ballads, 1845 Bonny's High Alps of Dauphine, 1865 Bon Ton Magazine, 11 vols, or any odd vols or parts Books for Boys and Girls, by J. B., 1688 Book of Common Prayer, before 1650 Book of Fortune, folio, 1698 Book Plates, any of those found pasted inside the covers of books, on fly leaves, or behind titles, fine or dated ones only Books with Paintings on the Fore-edges Boorde (A.) Breviarie of Health, sm. 4to, 1589, or any really old and curious English Medicine Borrow (G.) Targum or Metrical Translation, 1835 -Romantic Ballads, 1826 -The Talisman, 1835 -The Sleeping Bard, 1860 -Romano Lalo-Lil, 1874 -Romany Rye, 2 vols, 1857 -Bible in Spain, 3 vols, first edition -Any of his Works Bouquet Parlant (Le), 8vo, 1780 Bourne's Regiment for the Sea, 4to, 1580 Bourrienne's Life of Napoleon, 4 vols, 1836 Boxiana, 5 vols, 1812-30 Boydell's Heads of Illustrious Persons, 1811 -Illustrations to Shakespeare (100), folio, 1802 Boys (W.) Collections for Sandwich, Kent, 2 vols, 4to, 1792 Braddock's Expedition to Virginia, 8vo, 1775 Braithwaite (R.) Essaies upon the Five Senses, 8vo, 1655, or any of his Tracts Breton (N.) Post Packet of Mad Letters, 4to, 1669-70 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, 2 vols, 1822 British Theatrical Gallery, 1825 British Stage (Kenrick's), 5 vols, 1817-21, or any Britannia Newspaper, 1841 Brodrick (W.) Falconer's Favourites, folio, 1865 Brome (A.) Songs and other Poems, 8vo, 1661 Brome's Covent Garden Drollery, 1672 Bronte, Jane Eyre, 3 vols, 1847, or odd vols -Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 3 vols, 1847, or odd -Wuthering Heights, 3 vols, 1847, or odd -Agnes Grey, vol 3, 1847 Brough's Life of Falstaff, in monthly parts, or cloth, 1858, or any odd parts Brown, Jones and Robinson, 1854 Browning (Robert) Bells and Pomegranates, the 8 parts, bound or unbound, or any odd parts, 1841-6, part 6 especially wanted -Paracelsus, 1835 -Sordello, 1840 -Strafford, 1837 -Men and Women, 2 vols, 1855 -The Ring and the Books, 4 vols, 1868 -Red Cotton Nightcap Country, 1873 Bruce (Dr.) Roman Wall, 4to, 1867 Bucaniers of America, 4 parts, 1684-5 Buch der Natur, Augsberg, 1478 Buch der Natur, von Conrat von Megenberg, Augsberg, 1475 Buckle's History of Civilisation, 2 vols Bullein's Bulwarke against Sicknesses, folio, 1562 Bullen's Old English Plays, 4 vols, 4to, 1882-5 Buller's Birds of New Zealand, 1873 Bunbury (H.) Illustrations to Shakespeare, 21 plates, imp. folio, 1792-6 Bunsen (C. C.) Egypt's Place in History, 5 vols or vol 5 only Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, any edition before 1700 Burke (E.) Works, 8 vols, 8vo, 1852 Burlington Fine Arts Club Exhibition of Miniatures, 4to, 1889 Burlington Fine Arts Club, Catalogue of Enamels, 4to, 1897 Burney (J.) Discovery of the South Seas, 5 vols Burns (R) Poems, Kilmarnock, 1786 -Poems, 1787 -Letters addressed to Clarinda, 1802 Burton (R. F.) El Medinah and Mecca, 3 vols -Any of his Works Busy Bee (The) Old Songs, 3 vols Byron (Lord) Hours of Idleness, 1807 -English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, first edition N D (1809) -English Bards, &c., fifth edition, 8vo, 1812 -The Island 1823 -Any first editions, uncut Cabinet of Genius, 2 vols, 1787 Caldecott's Old Christmas, 1876 Calliope (a Song Book), 2 vols, 1787 Campbell (T.) Poems, 1837 Captain Sword and Captain Pen, 1835 Carew (Thomas) Poems, 8vo ,1640 Carey (D.) Life in Paris, 1822, or any odd parts Caricature Magazine (The), any vols Caricatures, any Collection of old Carmichael's Views of Sidney, 1829 Cartwright's Comedies and Poems, 1651 Catch Club (The), or Merry Companions (Old Catches with Music) Catch that Catch Can (Songs with Music), 1667 Catesby's Natural History of Carolina, 2 vols, 1771 Caxton, or Wynkyn de Worde. Anything from these presses, perfect or imperfect. Or Early English Printers generally Celebrated Trials, 6 vols, 1825, or any vols Centur Guild Hobby Horse, 6 vols, 1886-92 -Parts 17, 18, 19, 20 Chaffers (W.) Keramic Gallery, 2 vols, 1872 Chalkhill (J.) Thealma and Clearchus, 8vo, 1683 Chamberlayne (W.) Pharronnida, a Heroick Poem, 8vo, 1659 Champlain (Sieur de) Voyages, Nouvelle France, 4to, 1613 Chants et Chansons Populaires, 4 vols, 1848, &c. Chappell, Popular Music, 2 vols Charms of Cheerfulness (Songs), 1789 Chaucer (G.) Canterbury Tales, 1526 -Works, 1538, 1542, or 1561 Chauncey's Antiquities of Hertfordshire, folio, 1700 Chemical Society Journal, 1849 to 1870, or odd volumes Chesterfield's Letters, 5 vols, 1845-53 Children of the Chapel (The), 12mo, 1864 Children of the New Forest, N D, 2 vols Children's Books, any small curious ones, before 1815 Childs' English and Scottish Popular Ballads, set Chippendale (T.) Cabinet Maker's Directory -Designs of Furniture Choice Collection of Scots Poems, 3 parts, 8vo, 1705-13, or any Choix de Chansons ; Musique, 4 vols, 1773- Or anything similar in nature and period Christianism, 1846 Chronicles of Fashion, 2 vols, 1845 Chronicon Nurembergense, folio, 1493 Churchill (C.) Poetical Works 3 vols, 1844, or odd vols Churchyard (T.) Any of his Tracts Cicero ; Cato Major, 1774 Citizen of the World, 2 vols, 1762 Civil Engineers, Minutes of Proceedings of, vols 1 to 20, or any of those vols Clarissa, 7 vols, first edition Classic Tales, 5 vols, 1806-7 Claude's Liber Veritatis, 3 vols, folio, 1777-1819 Clio and Euterpe, 3 vols, 1758 Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, 3 vols, folio, 1815-27 Coaching Days, 1888 Coaching, any sets of Prints or odd ones Cockain (Sir A.) Poems, 1658 Cocker (E.) Arithmetick, 1671 or 1678 Cockfi-ghting, any Books or Pamphlets on, before 1850 Cock-fighting, any sets of Prints of or odd ones Cockton (H.) Valentine Vox, in monthly parts, or cloth, 1840, or any odd parts -Sylvester Sound, in monthly parts or cloth, 1843, or any odd parts Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, July and August, 1845 Coleridge (S. T.) Notes on Shakespeare, 2 vols, 1849 -The Watchman, 8vo, Bristol, 1796 Collins (D.) New South Wales, 2 vols, 1798 Collins (Wilkie), any first editions Collinson's History of Somerset, 3 vols, 4to, 1791 Collyns (C. P.) Chase of the Wild Red Deer, 1862 Comforts of Bath, 12 coloured plates, by Rowlandson, oblong 4 to, Fores, 1798 Comic History of England, in parts or cloth, 1847-8. or odd parts Comic History of Rome, in monthly parts or brown cloth, N D, or odd parts Comic Nursery Tales, Orr & Co., N D Conciones ad Populum, 1795 Confessions of an Oxonian, 3 vols, 1826 Confessions of Con Cregan, 2 vols, or odd parts Conjugal Lewdness (by Defoe), 1727 Constable's English Landscape Scenery Constitutional and Public Ledger, 1836-1839 Cooke (M. C.) British Fresh Water Algae, with Supplement (British Desmids), 3 vols, 8vo, 1882-7 -Handbook of British Fungi, with Supplement, 3 vols, 8vo, 1871-91 -Illustrations of British Fungith Supplement, 8 vols, 8vo, 1881-91 Cooper (J. Fenimore) Novels, complete set, 30 vols, 8vo, New York, 1860 Coronation of George IV., Folio Coloured, either Naylor's or Whitaker's Corsair Gazette, New York, 1839-1840 Contarini Fleming, first edition, 4 vols, 1834 Cooke (Colonel) On Fox Hunting, 1826 Copie of a Letter sent to Don B. Mendozo, on the State of England, relating to the Spanish Armada, 1588, small 4to Corser (T.) Collectanea-Anglo-Poetica, 4to, 1860-83 Cortes (H.) Conquest of West Indies, 4to, 1596 Coryat's Crudities, 1611 Costumes of the Clans of the Scottish Highlanders, 2 vols, 1845 Costumes, Works on Costumes, Books of Cotgrave's Wits Interpreter, 1671 Cotton, Compleat Angler, 1676 Cowper (W.) Poems, 1782 -The Task, 1785 Cox (D.) Landscape Painting Cox (D.) Memoir of, by Solly Cracks of the Day, 1841 Crealock (Lieut.) Deer Stalking in the Highlands, 1892 Creighton's Papacy during Reformation, 5 vols, 1882-94 Cricket, any Prints relating to, plain or coloured Cricketers, any Prints, Portraits, &c., of Crompton's Pierides, or Muses Mount, 1658 Cromwell, a Prize Poem, Oxford, 1843 Crowe and Cavalcaselle, History of Painting, 3 vols, 1864-66 Crowe and Cavalcaselle, History of Painting, N. Italy, 2 vols, 8vo, 1871 Crowe (E.) History of France, 5 vols, 1858-68 Crowquill (A.) An Holiday Grammar, 1825 Cruikshank (George or Robert), any Books or Pamphlets illustrated by these Artists -Omnibus, in parts or cloth, 1842 -Fairy Library, any -Fairy Library, Puss in Boots, published by Routledge, late Arnold, green covers -Comic Almanack, a set, 1835 to 1853, in parts or any odd ones -My Sketch Book, in 9 parts, 1834 -Scraps and Sketches, 4 parts, 1826-32 -The English Spy, 2 vols, 1825-6, or odd vols or parts -Hans of Iceland, 1825 -Peter Schlemihl, 1824 -George Cruikshank's Magazine, pts.1-2 -The Brighton Lodging House, parts 1-2 -Any loose Caricatures, plain or coloured Cruikshank (George or Robert) Any Original Drawings or Autograph Letters Curry and Rice, published by Day & Son, N D Curtis's Botanical Magazin, 1839 to 1890, or any part -British Entomology, 16 vols Curzon (G. N.) Russia in Central Asia -Persia, 2 vols Dampier's Voyages, 4 vols, 1729, 8vo Dance of Death, 2 vols, 1815-16 Dance of Life, 1817 Dance (G.) Collections of Portraits, 1809-14 Dancing, Books on, before 1850 Dancing (The) Master, 1670 Daniel (G.) Merrie England, 2 vols, 1842 Daniel (Samuel) Whole Works, 1623 Daniels Press, Oxford, any Books or Pamphlets printed at Daniell's (W.) Voyages round Great Britain, 8 vols, or any vols Daniell's African Scenery, large folio, 1808 Daniell's Oriental Scenery, 6 vols, large folio, 1795-1808 D'Arblay's (Madame) Diary, 7 vols, 1843 Dasent (G.) Popular Tales from the Norse, 1859 Davies (Sir J.) Nosce Teipsum, &c., 8vo, 1636 Davison's Poems, 1621 Dawkins (W. B.) Cave-Hunting, 1874 De Bry, Alphabeta et Characteres (about 50 plates of writing, &c.), 1596. Or his Travels and Voyages Decleration of Rights, a broadside, Dublin, 1812 Defoe's Works, 20 vols, 1840-1, or vol 4 Delany (Mrs.) Autobiography, both series, 6 vols, 1861-2 Denton's Brief Description of New York, 4to, 1670 Denzil Place, by Biolet Fane, 1875 Derby Day (The), 8 coloured plates, Fores Der Freischutz Travestie, 1824 Derome's Relieure de Luxe, Japan paper, 8vo, 1888 Deuchar's Etchings, 3 vols, 4to, 1803 Diary of a late Physician, 3 vols, 1832-8 Dibdin (T. F.) Any of his Bibliographical Tours Dickens (Charles) Sketches by Boz, 2 vols, first edition, 1836, or either vol -Songs, Choruses, and Concerted Pieces in the Operatic Burletta of the Village Coquettes -The Strange Gentleman, a Comic Burletta by Boz, with frontispiece by Phiz, 1837. £30 offered -Sketches of Young Gentleman, first edition, cardboard covers, 1838 -Great Expectations, arranged for a Reading, 8vo, N D [186-], a pamphlet -Proceedings Thirteenth Festival, Roy Gen. Theatrical Fund, 1858, in yellow wrapper -Speech ; Administrative Reform Association, Theatre, Drury Lane, 8vo, 1855 -Sketches of Young Couples, cardboard covers, 1840 -Is She His Wife ? a pamphlet, Chapman and Hal, N D [1868] -Mr. Nightingale's Diary, 1877 -The Lamplighter, a Farce, paper covers, 1879 Dickens (Charles) The Plays and Poems of Charles Dickens, 2 vols, 1882 -To be Read at Dusk, 1852 -Child Pictures from Dickens, 1868 -Report of a Dinner given to, 1842 -Speech of, 1863 -Address delivered at Birmingham, 1869 -Any separately printed Speeches -Any Plays, Portraits, &c. relating to him or his Works -Sunday under Three Heads, by Timothy Sparks, paper covers, 1836 -Sketches of Young Ladies, first edition, cardboard covers, 1837 -Picnic Papers, 3 vols, 1841 -Hands to Master Humphrey's Clock, by Jacob Parallel, 2 parts, or either -Sibson's Racy Expeditions of the Pickwick Club, 1838 -Extra Illustrations to the Pickwick Club, by Samuel Weller, 1837-8, or odd -Mr. Nightingale's Diary, a Farce in one Act, 1851 -Library of Fiction, 2 vols, 1836-7, or any odd parts -The Battle of London Life, by Morna, 1849 -A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree, a pamphlet, N D Heads to Nicholas Nickleby, by Miss La Creevy, 6 parts, or any -Mr. Thackeray, Mr. Yates and the Garrick Club, a pamphlet, 1859 -Account of the Origin of the Pickwick Papers, by Mrs. Seymour, N D -Sketch Book by Bos. Lloyd, N D -Posthumous Papers of the Wonderful Discovery Club, 1838 -The Pickwick Almanac, 1838 -Lloyd's Pickwickian Songster, Lloyd, N D -Scenes from Nickleby Married, 1840 -Nichelas Nickelbery, by Bos, Lloyd, N D -Mister Humfries Clock, Lloyd, N D -John Jasper's Secret, 1872, or any parts Digby Grand, 2 vols, 1853 Dobson (Austin) Vignettes in Rhyme, 1873 -Proverbs in Porcelain, 1877 Domestic Architecture in England, 4 vols, 1857 Donovan (E.) Any Works on Natural History Don Juan, his Life in London, 1821-22 Don Quixote, 3 vols, 1833 Donne (John) Poems, 1633, 1635, 1639, 1654, 1669 Doran (D.) Their Majesties' Servants, 2 vols, 1864 Dorando, a Spanish Tale, 1767 Dorat, Les Baisers and Mois de Mai, 8vo, 1770, title in red and black Dover (G.) Annalia Dubrensia (Cotswold Games), 4to, 1636 Dowell's History of Taxation, 4 vols Down the Road, 1875 Doyle (R.) Christening Procession of Prince Taffy, coloured plates, 8vo, 1842 Doyle (R.) Tournament ; or Chivalry Revived, coloured plates, oblong 4to, 1830 Dramatic Portraits, any Collection of Drayton (M.) Poems, 1619 -Poly-Olbion, 1613 or 1622 Dr. Syntax in London, 1820, complete, or any odd parts Dr. Syntax's Tours, 3 vols, 1812-1820, 1820-1821, or any odd parts of either Drummond (W.) Poems, 1656 -Forth Feasting, 1617 -Poems, 1616, 1656, 1659 Dulcken, Scenes from Pickwick (4 plates in wrapper), N D (1861) Dugdale's St. Paul's Cathedral, folio, 1657 Dunstall (J.) Book of Flowers, Fruits, Birds, Beasts, &c Four Series, or any, oblong, 4to, 1661, &c. D'Urfey (T.) Wit and Mirth ; or, Pills, &c., o vols, 1719-20 Earle's Views in New Zealand Eccentric Tales from the German, 1827 Ecole Francaise, Les Estampes en Couleurs du xviii siecle, double set of proofs, 1885 Eden, State or the Poor, 3 vols, 4to Edinburgh University Magazine, Jan. to April, 1871, or any Edwin and Angelina, 1765 Egan (Pierce) Life of an Actor, 1825 -Sporting Anecdotes, 1804, 1825, or 1827 -Any of his Works Elements of Morality, 3 vols, 1791 Eliot (J.) Poems, 1658 Eliot (George) Scenes of Clerical Life, 2 vols, 1858, or either -Adam Rede, first edition, 3 vols, 1859 -Romola, 3 vols, 1863 -Agatha, 1869 -Brother and Sister, by Marian Lewes, 1869 Elliott's History of India, 6 vols Emerson (R. W.) Nature, Boston, 1836 -Poems, 1847 -Any first editions Emma, 3 vols, 1816, or odd Emaux de Petitot (Les), 1862 Empedocles on Etna and other Poems, by A., 1852 England's Parnassus, 1600 English Lakes, 48 coloured plates, imp. 4to, Ackermann, 1821 English Pilot, fourth book, large folio, 1761 Eothen, or Traces of Travel, 1844 Epipsychidion, Verses addressed to the Noble Lady Emilia V-, 1821 Erasmus, Praise of Folie, Englished by Chaloner, sm. 4to, 1549 or 1569 Essay on the External Use of Water, 4to, 1752 Essays of Elia, 1823 Estienne (H.) Art of Devises, 4to, 1650 Euphranor, a Dialogue on Youth, 8vo, Pickering, 1851 Evans (J.) Ancient Stone Implements, 1872 Evelina, 3 vols, 1778, or either Evelina, or Female Life in London, 1821 or 1822 Experienced Angler, 1668 Experiments and Observations on Electricity, London, 1751 -Ditto, part 2, London, 1753 Exquisites (The), a Farce, 1839, with 4 plates, private circulation. £20 offered Eyton (R. W.) Antiquities of Shropshire, 12 vols, 8vo, 1854-60 Fagan's Engraving in England, 3 vols, large folio, 1893 Faithorne (W.) The Art of Graving and Etching, 8vo, 1662 Falconry in the British Isles, 1873 Fancy (The), or True Sportsman's Guide, 2 vols, 1826 Fashionable Bores, &c., by Peter Quiz, oblong 4to, 1824 Faulkner's History of Chelsea, roy. 8vo, 1810 -History of Fulham, roy. 8vo or 4to, 1813 -History of Kensington, 4to, 1820, or any of his Histories Faustus, his Life, Death, &c., 1825 Felix on the Bat (Cricket), 4to, 1845 Fergusson (Sir J.) Tree and Serpent Worship, 1868 Fielding (H.) Works, 12 vols, 12mo 1824 -Amelia, 4 vols, or 1, 2, 3, uncut, 1752 Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1859 -Second Edition, 1868 -Third Edition, 1879 Flaubert (G.) Herodias, triple set plates, 8vo, 1892 Flatman (T.) Poems and Songs, 8vo, 1674 Flinders' Terra Australis, 2 vols and Atlas, 1814 Flore et Zephyr, Ballet Mythologique, par Theophile Wagstaff (8 large plates), 1836 Fly Leaves, by C. S. C., 1872 Folk Lore Society's Publications, 1878-93 Fonblanque, Annals House of Percy, privately printed, 2 vols, 8vo, 1887 Forbes and Hanley's History of British Mollusca and their Shells, 4 vols, 1853 Forbes (J. D.) Alps of Savoy, 1843 or 1845 -Norway and its Glaciers, 1853 Fortunate Mistress ; Life of Mdlle. de Beleau, 1724 Fortunes of Torlogh O'Brien, 1847, or any odd parts Foster's Pedigrees of Yorkshire, folio, 1874 Four Kings of Canada, 12mo, London, 1710 Fox's Speeches, 6 vols, 1815 Franck (R.) Northern Memoirs, 8vo, 1694 Frank Fairleigh, in monthly parts or cloth, 1850, or any odd parts Franklin (Benjamin) Any of his Works, or anything published by him before 1780 Fraser (Sir W.) The Stirlings of Kier, 1858, or any of his Genealogical Works Frasers of Philorth, 3 vols, 1879 Freeman (E. A.) History of Sicily, 4 vols, 1891-4 -Norman Conquest, 6 vols, 1875, &c., or any of his Works -Essays, 4 vols ; or Second Series only Freemasonry, any Books, Pictures, and Tracts before 1830 Freer (Miss) Life of Margaret d'Angleterre, 2 vols, 1854, or either vol -Married Life of Anne of Austria, 2 vols, first edition, 1865 ; or either vol -Last Decade of a Glorious Reign, 2 vols, 1863, or either vol -Marie de Medici, 2 vols or either vol -Any of her Works From Dawn to Noon, by Violet Fane, 1872 Froude's English in Ireland, 3 vols, 8vo, 1872-4 Fugitive Pieces, Newark, 1806. £40 offered Gafori (F.) Theoricum Opus Armonicae, sm. 4to, 1480 Gaguin (R.) Chroniques de France, sm. folio, 1516 Gamonia, 1837 Gardiner, History of England, 1603-16, 2 vols, 1863 -History of the Civil War, 3 vols, 1886-91 -Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 2 vols, 1867 Garland of Good Will (The), by T. D., 12mo, 1705, or any Garlands Gascoigne (Geo.) Whole Works, sm. 4to, 1587 Gay's Fables, 2 vols, 1727-1738, or either vol, 4to Gebir, a Poem, 1798 Geddes (W.) A Book of Sundry Draughts, sm. 4to, 1615 Geneste (J.) The English Stage, 10 vols Gent (T., of York) Any of the Books printed by him Gentleman's Pocket Album, 5 vols, 1827-31, or either vol Gentleman's Tutor of the Small Sword, or Complete English Fencing Master, 1730 George St. Julian, in monthly parts or cloth, 1841, or any odd parts Gerard's Herball, 1597, or 1636, folio Germ (The), 4 parts, 1850, or any odd parts Germain (P.) Elements d'Orfevrerie, 4to, Paris, 1748 Gheyn (J. de) Maniement d'Armes, d'Arquebuses, Mousquetz et Piques, folio, 1607 Gilbert (H.) New Passages to Cataia, 4to, 1576 Gilbert (J.) Dolomite Mountains, 1864 Gilbert (Wm.) The Angler's Delight, 8vo, 1676 -The Young Angler's Companion, 8vo, 1682 Gil Blas, 2 vols, 1833, or either vol Gilchrist (A.) Life of W. Blake, 2 vols, 1863 Girard (P. J.) Traite des Armes, 4to, 1740 Gladstone (W. E.) Studies on Homer, 3 vols, 1858 Glapthorn (H.) Poems, 1639 Goddard's Military Costumes of Europe, 2 vols. 1812 Godfrey Malvern, 1843 Godolphin, 3 vols, 1833, or odd Good Natured Man, 1768 Goldsmith (O.) She Stoops to Conquer, 1773, first edition -Vicar of Wakefield, 2 vols, Salisbury, 1766, or either, or 1 vol, 1843 Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 5 vols, folio, 1786, &c. Gould's Birds of Australia -Any of his Ornithological Works Gray's Poems, 1768 Goldsmith (O.) She Stoops to Conquer, 1773, first edition -Vicar of Wakefield, 2 vols, Salisbury, 1766, or either, or 1 vol, 1843 Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, 5 vols, folio, 1786, &c. Gould's Birds of Australia -Any of his Ornithological Works Gray's Poems, 1768 Gray (J. E.) Genera of Birds, 3 vols, 1849 Green's Lives of the Princesses, 6 vols, 8vo, 1850-55, or vols 4, 5, and 6 Greenwich Hospital, coloured plate, 4to, 1826 Greville Memoirs, 3 vols, 1874 Grimm's German Popular Stories, 2 vols, 1823-26, or either vol -Ditto, ditto, 2 vols, 1834 Grimble (Aug.) Deer Stalking, 1886, 4to Gronow (Captain) Reminiscences, 4 vols, 1862-63-65-66, or either vol Grosart's Reprints of Unique and Very Rare Books, 37 vols, 1875-81 Guest (Lady C.) The Mabinogion, 3 vols, imp. 8 vo, 1849 Gulliver's Travels, 2 vols, 1726, or odd Guy Mannering, 3 vols, 1815, or odd Habington's Castara, 1640 Habiti delle Donne Venetiane, folio, 1610. Or Fac-simile, 1877 Hakluyt Society's Publications, any Hakluyt's Divers Voyages, 4to, 1582 Hallam (A. H.) Poems, N D (1830) Halle's Union of Lancaster and York, folio, 1548 Hals (W.) History of Cornwall, Exeter, N D (1750) Hamerton (P. G.) Etchings and Etchers, 1868 Hamilton, Elements of Quaternions, 1866 Handley Cross, in monthly parts or cloth, 1854 or any odd parts Handy Andy, in monthly parts or cloth, 1842, or any odd parts Hardy (Thomas) Desperate Remedies, 3 vols, 1871, or either vol Harlaein Society Publications Harris (S.) Old Coaching Days, 1882 Harris's History of Kent, folio, 1719 Harris (W. C.) Wild Animals of S. Africa, 2 vols, folio, 1840 Harry Coverdale's Courtship, in monthly parts, or cloth, Virtue, N D, or any odd parts Harvey (Wm.) Anatomical Exercitations, 8 vo, 1653 Hassell (J.) Life of George Morland, 1806 -Excursions on Thames, 1823 -Rides and Walks round London, 2 vols, 1817, coloured plates, or either vol Hasted's History of Kent, 4 vols or 12 vols Haunch of Venison, 1771 Havell's Views on the Thames, or loose plates -Views of Cities, Towns, &c., any Hawbuck Grange, 1847 Hints to Young Sportsmen Hawker's Instructions to Sportsmen, 1844, or any edition Hayley's Life of Romney, 4to, 1809 Haywayrd (A.) Biographical Essays, 2 vols, 8vo, 1858, or I vol, 1873 Hazlitt (W. C.) Venetian Republic, 4 vols, 1860 Heads of the People, 2 vols, 1840-1, or any odd parts Heath (W.) Military Duties, 1824 -British Cavalry, 1820 -British Infantry, coloured plates -British Artillery, coloured plates -Any Military Plates by him Hector O'Halloran, Bentley, N D, or odd parts Helen's Tower, privately printed, N D (1861), 4to, pink wrapper Hellas, a Lyrical Drama, 1822 Helps (A.) Spanish Conquest, 4 vols, 1855-61, or vol 4 Hennepin's New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, 8vo, 1698 Heppelwhite's Cabinet Maker's Guide Herbert (George) The Temple, 1633, or imperfect Herrick (Robert) Hesperides, 1648 Hervey (Lord) George the Second, 2 vols, 1848 Hervey (T.) Book of Christmas, 1836 Hesiod, Georgics,translated by Chapman, 4to, 1618 Hewitson, Eggs of British Birds, 2 vols, 1856 -Exotic Butterflies Hewlett (Maurice) Earthwork out of Tuscany, 1895 -Masque of Dead Florentines, 1895 -Pan and the Young Shepherd, 1898 -Songs and Meditations, 1897 -Forest Lovers, 1898 Heywood's Works, 1550-90 Heywood (T.) Hierarchie of Angels, folio, 1635 -Spider and the Flie Higgins (G.) Celtic Druids, 1829 -Anacalypsis, 2 vols, 4to, 1836 Hillingdon Hall, 3 vols, 1845, or odd Hissey (J. J.) Old-Fashioned Journey, 1884 -A Drive through England, 1885 Historic Military and Naval Anecdotes Historical Records of the Various Regiments History and Adventures of an Atom, 2 vols, 1749, or either vol History of Arthur, King of Britaine, 4to, 1634 History of a Warm Watchcoat, 12mo, 1754 History of Joseph Andrews, first edition, 2 vols, 1742, or either vol History of the River Thames, coloured plates, 2 vols, 1794-6 History of Botany Bay, Bristol, 1787 History of New England, 1667 History of New Holland, Glasgow, 1796 History of French Revolution, 3 vols, 1837 History of the Company of Leathersellers, 1871 Holbein's Portraits, Court Henry VIII., 1792, folio -Veteris Icones, 4to, 1540 Holborn Drollery ; or the Beautiful Chloret, 1673 Holland House, 2 vols, 1874 Holland (H.) Heroologia Anglica, sm. folio [1620] Holme (R.) Academy of Armory, folio, 1701 Holtzapffel (C.) Turning, 5 vols Holy Bible, translated into the American Language by J. Elliot, Cambridge, Mass., 1661 or 1635 Homer, Iliads, translated by Chapman, folio, 1611 Homer, Works, translated by Chapman (1616), folio Hondius, Historia Mundi, folio, 1635 Honest Fellow, or Reveller's Book of Songs, 1767 Honour of the Taylors ; History of Sir John Hawkwood, sm. 4to, 1687 Hood (T.) Comic Annual, 1839 -Tylney Hall, 1834, 3 vols, uncut -Whimsicalities, 2 vols, 1844 Hooker and Greville, Icones Filicum, 2 vols, 1829-31 Hooker (Sir J. D.) Botany of the "Erebus and Terror," 4 vols, 1847-55 Hooper's Waterloo, 1862 Hooton (C.) Colin Clink, 3 vols, 1841 Hope (Sir W.) The Scots Fencing Master, 12mo, 1687 Horace Templeton, 2 vols, 1848, or either vol Hortus Sanitatis, Mogunt, 1491 Hotten's Lives of the Saints (only in the Antique Style Binding), 4to, 1869, or Toovey's, or Newman's Howell's State Trials, 32 vols Howitt (S.) Oriental Field Sports Howitt (W.) Northern Heights, 1869 How Pippins enjoyed a Day, &c., oblong folio, Fores, 1863 Hoyle on Whist, 1742 Hubbard (W.) Present State of New England, 1667 Humorist (The), 4 vols, 1819-20, or any vols Humphrey Clinker, 3 vols, 1771, or either vol Humphrey's British Butterflies and Moths, 3 vols, 1849-51 Humphreys (Noel) Illuminated Books of Middle Ages, large folio, 1849 Hungarian and Highland Broadsword Exercise, 1798, oblong folio Hunnis (H.) Seven Sobs of a Sorrowful Soule, 8vo, 1597 Hunt (Leigh) Autobiography, 3 vols, 1850 -Any of his books published before 1862 Hunter's Historical Journals, 1793 -New South Wales Hunting Reminiscences, 1843 Hussey's British Mycology, 1847-55 Hutchins History of Dorset, 4 vols, folio, 1861-70 Hutchinson's Colony of Massachussetts, 2 vols, 1760-68 Hutchinson's History of Cumberland, 2 vols, 1794 Huth Library, edited by Grosart, a Set complete, or Portion, 8vo, 1881, &c. Hyll (T.) Profitable Art of Gardening, 1574 Ibis (The), a Magazine, 1859 to 1890, or any Independence, an Ode, 4to (Glasgow), 1773 Indespensable Accomplishments, 4 coloured plates, in wrapper, oblong folio, 1824 Ingoldsby Legends, 3 vols, 1840-42-47, or either vol Inquiry into Present State of Polite Learning, 1759 Instructions how to play at Billiards, Bowls, &c., 1687 Ireland's Life of Napoleon, 4 vols, 1823-1828, or any parts or vols Ireland (W. H.) Maid of Orleans, 2 vols, 1822 Irene, a Tragedy, 1749 Jack Sheppard, any Life of this Notorious Housebreaker Jackson (Lady) Old Paris, 2 vols, 1878, or either vol -French Court, 2 vols, 1881, or either -Any of her works Jacob Faithful. 3 vols, 1834 -3 vols, with coloured plates, 1837 Jane Eyre, 3 vols, 1847, or either vol Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art, 2vols, first edition -Legends of the Madonna -Legends of the Monastic Orders Japhet in Search of a Father, 3 vols, 1836 -3 vols, with coloured plates, 1837 James (Capt.) Military Costume of India, 1813 James (G. P. R.) Works, 21 vols, 1845-49, or any especially Arabella Stuart Jefferies (Richard) Reporting, Editing, &c., N D [1873] -Jack Brass, 1873 -The Goddards, Swindon, N D -The Scarlet Shawl, 1874 -Restless Human Hearts, 3 vols, 1875 Jerrold (B.) Life of Napoleon III., 4 vols, 8vo, 1874 Jerrold (D.) Men of Character, 3 vols, 1838, or either vol Jersey (Countess of) An Object of Pity, Amsterdam, 1891 Jesse (J. H.) London and its Celebrities, 2 vols, 1850 Jesse (J. H.) Memoir of Richard III., 1862 -The Pretenders, 2 vols, 1845 Jests, Any Book of, before 1800 Joe Miller's Jests, 1739 John Halifax, 3 vols, 1856 John Woodvil, 1802 Johnson's (Capt.) Lives of Highwaymen, 1736 Johnsoniana, 1836 Jones (E. J.) Memoirs of Miss O'Neil, 1816 Jones (T.) History of Brecknock, 2 vols, 4to, 1805-9 Jones, Present State of Virginia, 1724 Jones's Rock Climbing, 1897 Jonson (Ben) Workes, 3 vols, 1616-31-40, folio, or first edition single plays Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities, 1838 or 1839 -Ditto, ditto, second edition, 1843 Joseph Andrews, 2 vols, 1742, or either Joseph Rushbrooke, or the Poacher, 3 vols, 1841 Journal of Sentimental Travels in South of France, 1821 Journal of the Conspiracy formed by some White People, 4to, New York, 1744 Journal of Two Expeditions to New South Wales, 1820 Journal Society of Chemical Industry, 4to, any Joutel's Journal of M. de la Salle's Last Voyage, 8vo, 1714 Jowett's Plato, 5 vols, 8vo, 1875 Junot's Memoirs of Napoleon, 3 vols, 8vo, 1883 Kay's Edinburgh Caricatures, 4 vols, 1837-8 Kean (E.) Life of, 2 vols, 1835 Any Portraits of Keats (John) Poems, 1817, or imperfect -Endymion, 1818, or imperfect -Lamia, 1820, or imperfect -Life and Letters, 2 vols, 1848, or vol 2 -Poems, 1851 to 1858, any editions Kelmscott Press, any Books printed at Kenrick (T.) British Stage, 6 vols, or any vols Kett's Garland of Man's Glorification, 4to, 1585 Killigrew (T.) Comedies and Tragedies, sm. folio, 1664 King (P. P.) Coasts of Australia, 2 vols, 1827 King of the Golden River, first edition, 1851 Kingsborough Mexican Antiquities, 9 vols Kingsley (Charles) Any first editions of his Works, especially Pamphlets Kipling (Rudyard) Plain Tales from the Hills, 1888 -Departmental Ditties, Lahore, 1886 -Letters of Marque, 1891 -Echoes by Two Writers, Lahore [1884] -Schoolboy Lyrics, Lahore, 1881 -Soldiers Three, Allahabad, 1888 -The Smith Administration, Allahabad, 1891 King Glumpus, an Interlude, privately printed, 1837, London L'Abbaye de Penmarc'h, melodrame en trois actes, Paris, 1846 La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols, 1762 Latimer (Bishop) Black Letter Sermons by him, 1537, &c. La Pucelle d'Orleans, 2 vols, 1797 Lamb (Charles) Tales from Shakespeare, 2 vols, 1807, or either vol -Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, 1808 -Works of, 2 vols, 1818 Album Verses, 1830 Any first editions Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent, sm. 4to, 1596 Lancre (P. de) Tableau de l'Inconstance des Mauvais Anges et Demons, sm. 4to, 1613 Landor (W. S.) Works and Life, 8 vols, 8vo, 1874-6 Landor's Gebir, 1798 -Poems, 1797 -Any first editions Landseer's Works, India Proofs, 2 vols, royal folio, Graves, N D Lane (R. J.) Portraits of C. Kemble, 1840 Lanfrey (P.) History of Napoleon, 4 vols, 1871-79 Lang (A.) Ballads and Verses Vain, cr. 8vo, New York, 1884 Laon and Cythna, 1818 Last Essays of Elia, 1833 Latham's Falconry, or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, sm. 4to, 1633 Lawson (John) New Voyage to Carolina, 4to, 1709 Leech (John) Any Books illustrated by him before 1866 -170 Designs and Etchings, 2 vols folio, 1855 Le Grand's Fabliaux ou Contes, 5 vols, 8vo, 1829 Le Gros L'Art de la Coeffure, 8vo. 1765. Or any old Book on Hair Leland's Itinerary, 9 vols, 1776 Le Prince d'Armour, or the Prince of Love, 1660 Lescarbot (M.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 8vo, 1618 Lessons on Thrift, 1820 Leslie (C. R.) Memoirs of J. Constable, 1843 Leveridge's Collection of Songs, 1726 Lewis Arundel, 1852, in monthly parts or cloth, or any odd parts Lewis (Sir G. C.) Any of his Works Lewis and Clarke's Travels, Missouri River, 3 vols, 8vo, 1815, or 4to, 1814 L'Heptameron Francais, 3 vols, 8vo, 1780 Liancourt (Sieur de) Le Maistre d'Armes, 4to, 1686 Liber Amoris, 1823 Library of the Fathers, 42 vols Life of Napoleon, by Dr. Syntax, 1815 or 1817 Life of Richard Nash, or Bath, 1762 Life in London, Real, 2 vols, 1821-2 Life of John Mytton, 1835-1837 or 1851 Life of a Sportsman, 1842 Life of Peter Wilkins, 2 vols, 1751 Lilford (Lord) British Birds, 7 vols (or in parts), 8vo Lillywhite's Cricket Scores, 4 vols or any Lipscombe's Buckinghamshire, 4 vols, imp. 4to, 1847 Lisle, Play upon Words Lloyd (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, 2 vols, 1854 -Field Sports, 2 vols, 1831 Game Birds, 1867 Locker (F.) London Lyrics, 1857 or 1868 -London Lyrics, L.P., 8vo, privately printed, 1881 -Poems, fcap. 8vo, privately printed, 1868 Lodge (E.) Portraits of the Illustrious, 4 vols, folio Loggan (D.) Cantabrigia Illustrata, folio, 1688 -Oxonia Illustrata, folio, 1675 London, a Poem, 1738 London and its Celebrities, 2 vols, 1850 Long (J.) Voyages of an Interpreter, North American Indians, 4to, 1791 Longfellow (H. W.) Any first editions before 1870, published in America Longus, Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, 8vo, Paris, 1718 Looking-Glass (The), or Caricature Annual, coloured plates, 7 vols, folio, 1831-33, by Seymour Love's Garland, or Posies for Rings, 1624 Lovelace (R.) Lucasta, Epodes, 1649 Lowell (J. R.) Biglow Papers, Cambridge, U.S.A., 1848, 8vo Lyra Elegantiarum, first edition, 1867 Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems, 1798 Lycett, Views in Australia, 1824 Lyly (John) Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit, sm. 4to, 1581 -Euphues and his England, sm. 4to, 1581 Lytton (Lord) Any first editions Madden (R. B.) United Irishmen, 7 vols Maid of Orleans, 2 vols, 1822 Major's Edition of Walton's Angler, 1823 Major's Edition of Walton Lives, 1825 Malet (Capt.) Annals of the Road, 1876 Malton's Tour through London -Views in Dublin Man in the Moon, parts 20 to 30, any Mann's Picture of New South Wales, 1810 Manning and Bray's Surrey, 3 vols, folio, 1814 Mansfield Park, 3 vols, 1814, or odd Margaret Catchpole, 3 vols, 1845 Marie-Antoinette, by De Nolhac, folio, 1890 Markham (G.) The Pleasures of Princes, 1614, 1625, or 1635 (4to), or any of his Works Marlowe (C.) Rich Jew of Malta, 4to, 1633, or any of his Plays Marot (D.) Opera, sm. folio, Amsterdam, 1712 Marryat (Capt.) Jack Ashore, 3 vols, 1840 -Pacha of many Tales, 3 vols, post 8vo, 1835 Marriage, a Novel, 3 vols, 1818, first edition, uncut, or odd volumes Marston (John) The Malcontent, 4to, 1604, or any of his Plays Martial and Naval Achievements, from 1793 to 1817, 2 vols, or either Martial's Epigrams, translated by Fletcher, 8vo, 1656 Martyr's Decades of the New World, translated by Eden, 4to, 1555, or imperfect Maurice Tierney, green cardboard covers, N D Marvy, Sketches after English Painters, Bogue, N D M[ascall] L[eonard] A Book of Fishing, 1590, 4to Mather (Cotton) Any Works by Mather (Increase) Any Works by Matrimonial Magazine, 1775 Maxwell (W. H.) Irish Rebellion, in monthly parts or cloth, 1845, or imperfect Meadows (Kenny) Heads of the People, 2 vols, 1840-41, or odd parts Memoirs of a Protestant, 2 vols, 1758 Memoirs of a Count Grammont, 1793 or 1809, or 1811 Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, 4 vols, 1825, or vol 4 -Or any illustrations Memoir of Thomas Lodge, 4to, privately printed, 1882 Memoirs of the Countess of Derby (late Miss Farren), N D, 1797 Meredith (George) Poems by, Parker, N D (1851). £10 offered -Modern Love, 1862 Meteor (The), a Magazine, 8 numbers (or any), 1815-16. £20 offered Metrical Translations, St. Petersburg, 1835 Meyrick's Ancient Armour, coloured, 5 vols, large 4to, 1842-54 Meyrick's Visitations of Wales, 2 vols, imp. 4to, 1846 Microcosm of London, 3 vols, or odd portions Microscopical Quarterly Journal, a set Middleton's Works, ed. by Dyce, 5 vols, 8vo, 1840 Military Adventures of Johnny Newcombe, 1815 Military and Naval Anecdotes -Library, 2 vols, coloured plates, 1798 -Costume of Europe, 2 vols, 1822 Mill (J. S.) Dissertations and Discussions, 4 vols, 8vo, 1875 Mills (J.) The Stage Coach, 3 vols, 1843 Milton (John) Comus, 1637 -Lycidas, 1638 -Areopagitica, 1644 -Poems, 1645, or imperfect -Paradise Lost, 1667, 1668 or 1669 -Paradise Lost, illustrated, 1688 -History of Britain, 1670 -Paradise Regained, 1671 -Works, 8 vols, Pickering, 1851 Miniature Books. Any not more than 2 inches high Mirror of Fashion, 1823 Mirror of the Stage, 4 vols Miscellaneous Poems, Boston, 1826 Mitford's History of Johnny Newcome Modern Manhood (Boxing), 1788 Mohawk Primer, 1786 -Book of Common Prayer, 1787 Moliere (M. de) Depit Amoureux, 1663 -L'Ecole des Femmes, 1663 -L'Estourdy ou les Contre-temps, 1663 -Le Misanthrope, 1667 -Le Marriage Force, 1668 -Amphitryon, 1668 -L'Avare, 1669 -Les Fourberies de Scapin, 1671 -Les Femmes Savantes, 1673 Molinari, Coloured Scrap Book, 28 coloured plates, oblong 4to, 18- Molloy (J. F.) Royalty Restored, 2 vols -Court Life below Stairs, 4 vols Mommsen's Rome, 4 vols, 8vo, 1868 Montaigne's Essays, translated by Florio, folio, 1603 Montigny, Uniformes Militaires, coloured, 8vo 1772 Moor (E.) Hindu Pantheon, 1810 Moore's Alps in 1864. £5 offered More (Sir T.) Utopia, translated by Robinson, 12mo, 1551 -Works, sm. folio, 1557 More Hints on Etiquette, first edition, 1838 Morgan (Sylvanus) Armilogia . . . the Language of Arms, sm. 4to, 1666 Morland (George), Life of -Any large engravings after Mornings at Bow Street, 1824 Morris (Rev. J. O.) History of British Birds, 6 vols, imp. 8vo, 1863 Morris (William) Any first editions of his Works -Sir Galahad, 1858 -Two Sides of the River, 1876 -Earthly Paradise, first edition Motley (J. L.) Life of John Barneveld, 2 vols, 1874 -Dutch Republic, 3 vols, 1856 Mountaine (D.) The Gardener's Labyrinth, sm. 4to, 1577 Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, 1846 or 1866 Mrs. Leicester's School, 1809, first edition, £10 offered Mudford (W.) Campaign in the Netherlands, 1817 Napoleon, any books or pamphlets on Narrative of the Robberies, Escapes, &c. of John Sheppard, with front., 1724 Nash's Mansions, 2 vols, folio, 1839, &c. National Standard, 4to, 1833 Nattes' Views of Bath Natural History and Sport in Moray, 1882 Naval and Martial Achievements Nell Gwynne, by Cunningham, 1852 Newhouse (C.) Scenes on the Road, coloured plates, oblong folio, N D Newman (J. H.) Apologia Pro Vita Sua, 1864 New Readings of Old Authors, 4 vols, 1841 New South Wales, General Standing Orders, 1802-6 New Sporting Magazine, any portion New York, Philadelphia, and Boston Directories, before 1850 New York, any Histories of, before 1810 New Zealand, any Books or Pamphlets on, before 1850 New Zealand Journal, a set or any vols Nicholls (J.) History of Leicestershire, 8 vols Nick of the Woods, 3 vols, 1837 Nieman's Concise Natural History of East and West Florida, 12mo, New York, 1775 "Nimrod's" The Chase, Turf, and Road, 1837 or 1870 -Hunting Reminiscences, 1843 -Northern Tours, 1838 -Hunting Tours, 1835 Nimrod, 4 vols, 1828-30 Nimrod's Songs of the Chace, 1808 Nisbet's Heraldry, 2 vols, folio, 1722-42 Northanger Abbey, 4 vols, 1818, or odd Notes and Queries, Index vols to third and fifth series, or either Notes on the State of Virginia, 1782 Numismatic Journal, a set Nuts and Nutcrackers, 1845 Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493 O'Brien (H.) Round Towers of Ireland, 1834 Ode on the Departing Year, 16 pp., 1796 (Edipus Tyrannus, or Swellfoot the Tyrant, a Tragedy, 1820 Oldfield (Mrs.) Authentick Memoirs of her Life, 1730 Oldfield (Mrs.) Faithful Memoirs of her Life, 1731 Oliphant (Mrs.) Makers of Florence, 1876 Olney Hymns, 1779 Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyat, translated, Madras, 1862 Original Letters of Sir J. Falstaff, 1796 Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire, London, 1810 Orlando Furioso ; translated by Harrington, folio, 1634 Orme, Military Anecdotes, 4to -British Field Sports, 1807 Orpheus Britannicus, 1706 Ortelius, Theatre of the Whole World, coloured, folio, 1606 Our Own Times, 4 parts, 1846 Overstone (Lord) Tracts on Commerce, 8vo, 1859 -Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency, 1857 Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, 1856, or any odd parts Oxford, Brief Historical Notes, folio, 1880 Oxley's Expeditions in New South Wales Painter's (W.) Palace of Pleasure, 2 vols, sm. 4to, 1566-7 Pallette (Peter) Illustrations to Nicholas Nickleby, any parts Palgrave (F.) English Commonwealth, 2 vols, 1832 Palgrave (Sir F.) History of Normandy, 4 vols, 8vo, 1851 Palliser, History of Lace Pamela, 4 vols, 1741, or either vol Pamphlet : A Proposal for an Association of Philanthropists, Dublin, 1811 -Letter to Lord Ellenborough, no date, about 1813 -Address to the People on Death Princess Charlotte, 1817 Papworth (J. W.) British Armorials, 1874 Pardoe (Miss) Marie de Medici, 3 vols, 1852 -Louis the Fourteenth, 3 vols, 1847 -Francis I., 2 vols, 1849 Park's Topography of Hampstead, roy. 8vo, or 4to, 1814 or 1818 Parkinson's Paradisus in Sole, folio, 1629 Parsons (Col.) Book of Cyphers, oblong, 1703, Anything similar Parthenon, 1838 Pater (Walter) Studies in Renaissance, 1873 -Essays from "The Guardian," 1896 -Imaginary Portraits, 1888 -Appreciations, 1889 -Marius the Epicurean, 2 vols, 1892 -An Imaginary Portrait, 8vo, 1894 Paul Goslett's Confessions, 1868 Pauline, a Fragment (Poems), 1833 Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 3 vols, 1859-62 Pelham (C.) Chronicles of Crime, 2 vols, 1841 Penhallow (S.) Wars of New England, 8vo, 1726 Pepys (S.) Memoires of the Navy, 1690 Percy Wyndham's Strictures on an Impostor, 8vo, 18- Peregrine Pickle, 4 vols, 1751, or either vol Peter Bell, a Tale in Verse, 1819 Peter Simple, 3 vols, 1834, or either vol -3 vols, 1837, or either vol Phillips (Stephen) Primavera, 1890, first edition -Christ in Hades, 1896 -Eremus (Lillie Press) -Poems, 1898 Philobiblon Society, any vols Pierce Plowman's Vision and Crede, 1561, or imperfect, or any edition before 1600 Pillement, Cahiers de Fleurs (all or any in good state), 4to, 1660, and after Plain or Ringlets, in monthly parts, or cloth, or half bound, 1860, or any parts Plat's Delightes for Ladies, 8vo, 1609 Playfair Papers, 3 vols, 1841 Plays, any old ones, 4to, printed before 1700 Poems by Melanter, 1854 Poems by Two Brothers, 1827 Poems from the Arabic, 4to, Warwick, 1800 Poems, 1830-33, privately printed, 1862 Poems on Various Occasions, Newark, 1806 or 1807 Poems on Various Occasions, 1709 Poems, by E. A. Poe, 1829 Poems, by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell, published by Aylott and Jones, 1846. £10 offered Poems, by S. T. Coleridge, Bristol, 1796 or 1797 Poems, by J. R., 1850 Poems, by George Gordon, published at Newark, Notts, 1806 Poetical Essay on the existing state of things Oxford, 1811 Poetical Magazine, 4 vols Poetical Recreations of the Champion and his Literary Correspondents, 8vo, 1822 Poetical Sketches of Scarborough, imp. 8vo, 1813 Poetical Sketches, 1783 Poetry, by Mrs. Leicester, 2 vols, or either Poetry, by the Author of "Gebir," 1802 Poetry for Children, by the Author of Mrs. Leicester's School, 2 vols, 1809. £50 offered. Or either vol Polwhele (R.) History of Devonshire, 3 vols, 1797 Pope (A.) The Dunciad, Dublin, London, reprint, A. Dodd, 1728, all editions Popular Pastimes, coloured plates by Stephanoff, 1816 Portraits of Theatricals, any good Pottleton Legacy, in monthly parts or cloth, 1849 Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, by John Fitzvictor, Oxford, 1810 Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson, by Victor Cazire, 1810, thin small 4to Preface to Book of Common Prayer, B. Franklin, London, 1773 Present State of New England, 1676 or 1677 Prescott's Reign of Philip II., 3 vols, 1855 Pride and Prejudice, 3 vols, 1813, first or second edition, or odd vols Primrose (Diana) A Chaine of Pearle, 1630 Prince Dorus or the Long-nosed Prince, 1811 Prince of Abissinia, 2 vols, 1759 Prints, any series or separate plates by Ben Tally-Ho ! Proceedings of the Theatrical Fund, 1851 Prometheus Bound, 1833 Propert, History of Art of Miniature, imp. 4to, 1887 Proposals for an Association of those Philanthropists, Dublin, 1812 Prout's Melbourne Illustrated folio -Sydney Illustrated, folio Psalms of David in Metre, Edinburgh, 1594, or 1640 Psalterium Americanum, Boston, 1718 Punch's Pocket Book, 1847, or any vols Purchas (S.) His Pilgrimage, 5 vols, 1625-6 Pury, Memoires sur le Pays des Caffres, 1718 Pylgrymage of Perfection, &c., folio, 1531 Pyne (W. H.) Royal Residences, 3 vols Quartette, The Christmas Annual of the Civil and Military Gazette, by Four Anglo-Indian Writers, Lahore, 1885 Queen Mab, a Philosophical Poem, with Notes, 1813 Question (The), a Poem, 8vo, 1887 Rabelais, (Euvres, 2 vols, 8vo, 1553, or 1 vol 16mo, 1556 or 1573 Racinet (A.) Le Costume Historique, 4to, 1888 -Polychromatic Ornament, folio, 1873 Radcliffe (D.) The Noble Science, 1839 Railways, any Engravings relating thereto, before 1850, plain or coloured Ralfe (J.) Naval Chronology, 3 vols, 1820 Rambler's Magazine, 9 vols, 1738-90 Ramsay (Allan) The Ever Green, 2 vols, 1724 -The Gentle Shepherd, 1725 -Poems, 1721 -Proverbs, 1737 Randolph (T.) Poems, 1638 Rattlin the Reefer, 3 vols, 1836 Rawlinson (Sir H.) Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, 8vo, 1873 Raynouard (F.) Poesies des Troubadours, 6 vols, 8vo, 1816 Reade (C.) Peg Woffington, 1853- £1 offered -Any first editions Real Life in Ireland, 1821, or any parts Real Life in London, 2 vols, 1821, or any parts Recollections of Rifleman Harris Recueil des meilleurs Contes en Vers, 116 plates, 1778 Recueil d'estamps ; Guerre de l'Independance de les Etats Unis, folio, 1780 Redford (G.) Art Sales, 2 vols, 1888 Reformer's Reply to Edinburgh Review, 1810 Refutation of Deism, 1814 Reid (G. W.) Catalogue of Cruikshank's Works, 3 vols, 1871 Reliques of Father Prout, 2 vols, 1836 Remarks on a Tour to North and South Wales, 1797 Rembrandt, (Euvres complete. Both sets of plates, 40 parts, also Supplement and Catalogue. Plates in 35 portfolios, 1881-5 Report of the Attorney-General's Information, 1812 Reporting, Editing and Authorship (pamphlet), 1873 Reproof, a Satire, 4to, 1747 Retif de la Bretonne. Monument du Costume Physique et Moral de la fin du Siecle, folio, 1782. Or a set of Les Contemporaines, with all the plates. Please report anything of his Revolutionary Epick, 4to, 1834 Reynardson (C.) Down the Road, 1875 Reynolds (Sir J.) Engravings from, folio, Moon & Co., N D Rice (W.) Tiger Shooting, 1857 Richard Savage, 3 vols, 1842 Road Scrapings, 1840, engraved sporting plates, oblong folio Roadster's Album (The), 1845 Robinson Crusoe, 2 vols, 1719-20, or either vol Robinson (H. C.) Diary, 3 vols, 1869 Robinson (W.) History of Hackney, 2 vols, 8vo, 1842 -History of Tottenham, 2 vols, 8vo, 1840, or any of his Histories Rochester (Earl of) Works of, 2 vols, 1739 Rock (Dr. D.) Church of our Fathers, 4 vols Rocky Mountains, Oregon, or that Region, anything on : Books, Pamphlets, Pictures, Plates, Maps, &c. Roderick Random, 2 vols, 1748, or either Rogers (C.) Prints by Bartolozzi, 2 vols, roy. folio, 1778 Rogers (S.) Italy, 1830 -Poems, 1834 Romantic Ballads, 1826 Romford's Hounds, in monthly parts or cloth, or half calf, 1865, or any parts Ronsard (P. de) Les (Euvres de, 6 vols, 4to, Paris, 1567 Rosalind and Helen, with other Poems, 1819 Roscoe's Novelist's Library, 19 vols, 1831-3, or any odd ones Ross (Alex.) Fur Hunters, 2 vols, 1855 Rossetti (D. G.) Early Italian Poets, 1861 -Poems, 1870 Rossetti (C.) Goblin Market, 1862 Prince's Progress, 1866 Rowlands (S.) Diogenes, Lanthorne, 8vo, 1607 Rowlands (S.) Humors Looking Glass, 4to, 1608, or any of his Tracts Rowlandson (Thomas) Any Books or Pamphlets illustrated by him, or any Collections of his Caricatures -Loyal Volunteers, 1789 Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage, 3 vols Rules for Reducing a Great Empire, &c., London, 1773 Run with the Stage Hounds (A), 1863 Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point (The), 1849, in wrapper Ruskin (John) Stones of Venice, 3 vols -Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849 -Any of his smaller Works before 1870 Ryley's Itinerant, 9 vols, 8vo, 1808 Salvin and Brodrick, Falconry of the British Isles, 1855 or 1878 Sappho, a Study, 1872 Sergeant Bell and his Raree Show, 1839 Sartor Resartus, in 3 books, 1834 Satan in Search of a Wife, 1831 Satirist (The), vols 11-14, 1813-14 Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, New England Settlers, 4 vols, 8vo, Boston, Us.S.A., 1860 Saxton (C.) Atlas of England and Wales, 1579 Scattergood Family, 3 vols, 1845 Schmidel's Vera Historia Navigationis, 4to, 1599 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley, 3 vols, first edition, 1814, or either vol Scourge (The), 12 vols, 1811-16, or any odd parts or volumes Scrope (W.) Deer Stalking, 1838-9 -Salmon Fishing, 1843 Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 2 vols, 1856-67 Secret Memoirs of Harriet Pumpkin, 1825 Select Views of London, Ackermann, 1816 Sense and Sensibility, 3 vols, 1811, or either vol, first or second edition Shadows of the Clouds, by Zeta, 1847 Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, 1600 -Love's Labour Lost, 1598 -Midsummer Night's Dream, 1600 -Merchant of Venice, 1600 -Hamlet, 1603-4-5-11 -Works of, folio, 1623, 1632, 1664 or 1685 -Poems, 1640 or N D -Any of his seperate Plays printed before 1700 -Works, with Notes by Singer, 10 vols, 1826 -Works, with Notes by Valpy, 15 vols, 1832 -Works, 7 vols, 1709-10 -Any Plays before 1710 -Shakespeare Committee and Thackeray, 1864 Shakespeariana, Various Books and Tracts Shaw (Bernard) Cashel Byron's Profession, 1886 -Plays, Pleasant and Unpleasant, 2 vols, 1898 -Any first editions Shaw (H.) Dresses of the Middle Ages, 2 vols, 1843 Shelley (P. B.) Prometheus Unbound, 8vo, 1820 -Queen Mab, 1813, first edition, or imperfect -The Masque of Anarchy, fcap, 8vo, 1832 -The Revolt of Islam, 1818 -The Cenci, Italy. 1819 -Alastor, 1816 -Rosalind and Helen, 1819 -Adonais, Pisa, 1821 -Hellas 1822 -Poetical Pieces, 1823 -Any of his Works before 1830 -Works, 4 vols, 1839, or odd vols -3 vols, 1847 Sheridan (R. B.) Trip to Scarborough, 1777 or 1781 -School for Scandal, 1786 -Pizarro, 1799 -The Rivals, 1775 She Stoops to Conquer, 1773 Shenstone (Wm.) The School-Mistress, a Poem, 8vo, 1742 Sheraton's Furniture, 2 vols, 1793-4 Shirley (E. P.) English Deer Parks, 1867 Shirly (James) Poems, 1646 Shortest Way with the Dissenters, 1702 Singer (S. W.) History of Playing Cards, 1816 Simonides (Poem), Bath, 1806, 8vo Sir Hugh, the Heron, 1843 Sketches of Caffre Tribes, 4to, 1851 Smith (Albert) Wassail Bowl, 2 vols, 1842 Smith (J.) History of Virginia, 1624 Smith's Catalogue Raisonne, 9 vols, 1829-42, or odd vols Smith (J. C.) British Mezzo. Portraits, 4 vols, imp. 8vo, 1884, or the 5 vols Smith (T.) Diary of a Huntsman, 1838 -Life of a Fox, 1843 Smith's History of the Province of New York, 4to, London, 1757 or 1776 Smollett (T.) Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, 3 vols (vol 1, 1671, misprint for 1771) Snob (The) and Gownsman's Magazines, 2 vols, Cambridge, 1829-30, or any odd parts Solon's Old English Potter, folio, 1883 Some Accounts of the Province of Pennsilvania, 4to, 1681 Some Effects of Fermented Liquors, 1814 Songs and Poems, by T. W., 1654 Songs of the Chase, 1811 Songs of Innocence, 1789 Songs of Experience, 1794 South Africa, anything on Sowerby's Botany, a set Speeches, any 8vo collected editions of Speed (J.) Theatre of Great Britain (not without the American portion), folio, 1676 Spenser (E.) Faerie Queen, 1590-6 -Colin Clout, 1595 Sponge's Sporting Tour, in monthly parts, in cloth, or half calf, 1853, or any odd parts Sporting Magazine, any vols or parts -Review, any vols Sports of the Muses, 1752 St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian, a Romance, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford, 1811 or 1822 Stack's Views in Auckland, folio, 1863 Stanley Thorn, 3 vols, 1841 Stanley (T.) Poems, 8vo, 1652 Stephen (L.) Playground of Europe, 1871 -Hours in a Library, 3 vols, 1874-9 Stevenson (M.) Poems, 1673, 1665, 1685 Stevenson (R. L.) An Inland Voyage, 1878 -A Story of a Lie, 1882 -Some College Memories, 1886 Stevenson and Henley, Admiral Guinea, a pamphlet, 1884 -Beau Austin, a pamphlet, 1884 -Robert Macaire, a pamphlet, 1885 -Deacon Brodie, a pamphlet, 1880 Stevenson (R. L.) Notice of a New Form of Intermittent Light for Lighthouses, Edinburgh, 1871 -On the Thermal Influence of Forests, Edinburgh, 1873 -Testimonials in favour of Robert Louis Stevenson, N D [1881] -The South Seas, 1890 -Any of his Davos Platz Publications -Moral Emblems, Black Canyon, &c., Davos Platz, 1882 -The Charity Bazaar, 8vo, privately printed, N D [1868] -Thomas Stevenson, 12mo, blue wrappers, 1887 The Edinburgh University Magazine, Jan. to April, 1871, or any parts Stradanus, Venationes Ferarum, &c., oblong folio, 1580 Street (G. E.) Gothic Architecture Stubbs (G.) Anatomy of the Horse, 1766 Studies from the Greek Poets, 2 vols, 1873-4 Studio (The), commenced 1893, a set Suckling (John) Fragmenta Aurea, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1658 Suez-Cide. 1876, a pamphlet Surtees Society's Publications Surtees (R.) History of Durham, 4 vols, folio, 1816, &c. Swedenborg, Latin Works, 4to, 17- Swinburne (A. C.) Cleopatra, 1866 -"Unpublished Verses," N D [1866] -William Blake, 1868 Swinburne (A. C.) Laus Veneris, 1866, a pamphlet -Songs before Sunrise, 1871 -A Sequence of Sonnets on the Death of Browning, 4to, privately printed, 1890 -Dead Love, crown 8vo, 1864 -Grace Darling, private circulation, 1893 -Heptalogia, or the Seven against Sense, 1880 -Siena, 8vo, wrapper, Hotten, 1868 -The Ballad of Dead Men's Bay, fcap. 8vo, privately printed, 1889 -The Jubilee, a pamphlet, 1887 -Any first editions Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy, 7 vols, 1875-81, or any vol -Age of the Despots, 8vo, 1875 -Italian Literature, 2 vols, 8vo, 1881. £5 offered Syntax (Dr.) Tour in Paris, 1820, or any odd parts -Tours of, 3 vols, or either Tableaus des Habillemens, &c., du Pays-Bas, 4to, 1811 Tale of a Tub, first edition, 1704 Tales of the Trains, 1845, or any parts Tales of the Trains, by Tilbury Tramp, 1845 Tamerlain, by a Bostonian, 1827 Targum, a Metrical Translation, 1835 Taylor (John, the Water Poet) All the (63) Workers, folio, 1630, or any of his Tracts Tennyson (A.) Poems by, 1830 -Poems by, 1833 -The Victim, 1867 Tennyson (A.) Charge of the Light Brigade, 4to pamphlet, printed for the soldiers before Sebastopol -The Promise of May, 1882 -Idylls of the Hearth, fcap. 8vo, 1864 -(Enone, 8vo, in wrapper, 1857 -Timbuctoo, N D [1829] -Lotus Eaters (The), 1860 -Lucretius, 1868 -Welcome to Marie Alexandrowna, 1874 Tennyson (A.) The Passing of Arthur, wrapper, 8vo, 1884 -Promise of May, 1882 The Snob, a Literary and Scientific Journal, Cambridge, 1829, any odd numbers Theatrical Tourist, coloured plates, 4to, 1805 Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, folio, 1677 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, 1847-8, or any odd monthly parts -Fitzboodle Papers, 1857, paper covers -Denis Duval, 1867 Any of his Works in yellow paper wrappers, 1855-1857 Thackeray, a Lecture, by Crispe, 1857 Thackeray at Clevedon Court, 15 pages, N D (1865) Thanksgiving Ode, with other Short Pieces, 1816 The Academy of Love, 1641 The Age of Bronze, a pamphlet, 1823 The Anti-Corn Law Circular, July 23rd and Dec. 10th, 1839 Theatrical Recorder, 2 vols, 1805-6 The Battle of Marathon, a Poem, 1820 The Bride's Tragedy, 1822 The Cenci, a Tragedy in Five Acts, Italy, 1819 The Christian Year, 2 vols, 1827, or vol 1 The Commissioner, 1843, in monthly parts, or any parts The Cracks of the Day, 1841 The Curse of Minerva (a Poem), 1812 The Deserted Village, 1770 The Devil's Walk, a broadside, 1812 The Discovery of New Britain, by Edward Blain and others, 8vo, London, 1651 The Dramatic Scorpion, a satire, 1818 The Eagle, a Magazine, 12 vols, 1859-38 The Englishman's Magazine, 1831, or any parts The Fortunate Mistress, 1724 The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, 1721, or earlier The Gentleman's Recreation, 1686 The Governor and Company of Connecticut and Michigan Indians, 4to, London, 1767 The History of John Gilpin, printed for J. Fielding, M.D., 1783 The Humourist, 4 vols, 1819-20, or any odd vols or parts of The Idler, a Magazine of Fiction, 6 parts, 1856 The Laws of Virginia, 1662 The Monk, 3 vols, Waterford, 1795 or 1796 The National Standard, 2 vols, 1833 The Natural History of Selborne. 1789 or 1813 The Naval Officer, 3 vols, 1829, or any vol The Necessity of Atheism, Worthing, 1811 The Pentland Rising (a pamphlet), Edinburgh, 1866 The Reprisals, a Comedy, 1757 Thespian Magazine, 3 vols, 1793-4 The Strayed Reveller, by A., 1849 The Strolling Player, 3 vols, 1802 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 3 vols, 1848 Thevet (A.) France Antarctique, 4to, 1558 The Waggoner, 1819 The Waltz, an apostrophic hymn, by Horace Hornem (a pamphlet), 1813 Thomas, History of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, London, 1698 Thornton (A.) Don Juan, his Life in London, 2 vols, 1821-2, or either vol Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, 1677 Thoughts on Hunting, any edition before 1830 Tod's Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'han, 1829-32, 2 vols Tom Brown's Schooldays, 1857 Tom Jones, 6 vols, 1749, or either vol Tom Moody's Tales, 1864 Tony Butler, 3 vols, 1865 Tooke (J. N.) History of Prices, 6 vols, or vols 5 and 6 Tour through Paris, coloured plates, folio, 1822 Tooke and Newmarch, History of Prices, vols 5 and 6, 1857 Torch, 1837 Tour of Dr. Prosody, 1821 Town Talk, or Living Manners, 5 vols, 8vo, 1811-14, or odd vols Treasure Trove, 1844 Trials for Adultery, 7 vols, 1780 Trials, any old volumes of Tristram Shandy, vols 1-2, 1759 or 1760. £4 offered. Also vol 9, 1767 Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days, 1888 Trollope (Anthony) The Macdermots, 3 vols, 1848, or odd vols -Kellys and the O'Kellys, 3 vols, 1848, or odd vols Trollope (T. A.) History of Florence, 4 vols Turberville (G.) The Noble Art of Venerie, 1575, 4to Turner (J. M. W.) Any large books illustrated by him, before 1850 Turner (W.) Herbal, Collen, 1561, folio Tusser (Thos.) A Hundred Points of Husbandry, 1557, 1570, 1571, 1586 Tyburn Chronicle, 4 vols (1768) Ultra-Crepidarius, a Satire, 1823 Uzanne (Oct.) Any of his Works Valentine M'Clutchy, 1847 Valentine Vox, in monthly parts or cloth, 1840, or any odd parts Valentine's Manual of New York, 1848, or any years Vallance (A.) The Art of William Morris, 4to, 1897 Vanity of Human Wishes, 1749 Vaughan (W.) Golden Fleece, 4to, 1626 Vaughan, Poems, 1646 Velocipedes, Steam Carriages, &c., any Caricatures relating to, before 1850 Verdant Green, first edition, 1853 Verses and Translations, by C. S. C., 1862 Verses to a Beautiful Quaker, 4to, 1806 Vicar of Wakefield, 2 vols, Salisbury, 1766, or either vol -With coloured plates, 1817 or 1823 Views by Buck or Kip. Full Sets: Odd Volumes or Portions Views of Sydney, before 1820 Views of the South Seas, 1808 Villon (F.) Poems, 1878 Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaire Mobilier Francaise, 6 vols, 8vo, 1868-75 Virginia: Acts of Assembly, 1662-1715, 1727 Von Sybel, History of French Revolution, 4 vols, 1867-69 Voragine (J.) Legenda Aurea. In English : The Golden Legend, folio, 1512 Voyage of the Beagle, 4 vols, 1839 Voyage of the Rattlesnake, 2 vols, 1852 Voyage to New South Wales, 1793 Vyner (R. T.) Notitia Venatica, 1841 Walpole (H.) Memoirs of George III., 4 vols, 1845 -Letters, 9 vols, 1857-58 -Memoirs of, by E. Warburton, 2 vols, 1851 Wakefield, Adventures in New Zealand -Views in New Zealand, plain or coloured Walker (A.) Beauty in Woman, 1846 Walton (I.) Compleat Angler, 1653 or 1655, or 1661, or 1668, or 1676, or a copy of either edition imperfect -Angler, any edition before 1700, perfect or imperfect -Lives, 1670 Walton and Cotton's Angler, 2 vols, Pickering, 1836 Warburton (R. E. E.) Hunting Songs, 8vo, Chester, 1834 Ward's Mexico, 2 vols, 1829 Warner (R.) Hampshire Collections, 5 vols, 4to, 1795 Warwickshire Hunt (The), by "Venator," 1837 Water Babies (The), 1863 Watson's History of Halifax, 4to, 1775 Waverley, first edition, 3 vols, 1814, or odd Wellington, The Wars of Wentworth (W. C.) New South Wales " We pity the Plumage, but forget the Dying Bird," by the Hermit of Marlow, 1812 Wheeler's History of India, 5 vols, 8vo, 1867-81 Wesley's Hymns and Poems, 1739 West (A.) 24 Views in New South Wales Westall's Plates (with or without text) to Public Schools, roy. 4to, 1816 Westminster Drollery, 1671 Westminster Quibbles in Verse, 1672 Westminster Review, June, 1840 Westwood (J. O.) Facsimiles of MS. Ornaments, 1868. Or similar works Wheatley's Cries of London, 13 plates, or any Wheatley's London, Past and Present, 3 vols Whetstone's Virtues of Sir J. Dier, 4to, 1599 Whistler (J. M.) Gentle Art of Making Enemies Whitaker's Richmondshire, 2 vols, folio, 1823 White (J.) Voyage to New South Wales, 1790 Whitman (Walt) Leaves of Grass, 1855 Whitney (Geoffrey) Choice of Emblems, 4to, 1586 Whymper (E.) Scrambles amongst the Alps, 1871 Wild Wales, its People, &c., 3 vols, 1862 Wilde (Oscar) Ravenna, 1878 -Poems, 1881 -Salome (Paris), 1893 -Salome (London), 1894 -The Sphinx, 1894 Wilkinson (Tate) Memoirs and Wandering Patentee, 8 vols Williams, Key into the Languages of America, London, 1643 Williamson's Field Sports, coloured, 1819 Willington's Memoirs of a Protestant, 2 vols, 1758 Wills's High Alps, 1856 -Eagle's Nest Wilson's Bryologia Britannica, coloured plates Window in Thrums (A), 8vo, 1889 Winslow's Good News from New England, 1624 Wit and Drollery, 1661 or 1682 Wit at a Venture, 1674 Wither (G.) Carmen Eucharisticon, 4to, 1649 -Collection of Emblemes, sm. folio, 1635 -Juveinlia, 12mo, 1633, or any of his Works Wit Restor'd, Select Poems, 1658 Wit's Labyrinth, by J. S., 4to, 1648 Wit's Magazine, 2 vols, coloured plates, Tegg, N D (1812), or either vol Witt's Recreation, 1640, 1641, 1654, 1663 Woods' New England Prospect, 4to, 1637, or imperfect Woodburn's Gallery of Portraits, 2 vols, 1816 Woodward (G.) Elements of Bacchus, 1792 -Eccentric Excursions, 1796 -Caricature Magazine -Any books illustrated by him Wordsworth (W.) Descriptive Sketches, 1793 -An Evening Walk, 1793 -Lyrical Ballads, 1798 -Poems, 2 vols, 1800 ; also 1807 Wordsworth (W.) The Waggoner, 1819 -Peter Bell, 1819 World in Miniature, 43 vols, 12mo or 8vo, N D (1820, &c.), or any odd vols Wouvermann, (Euvres de, roy. folio, 1737 Wuthering Heights, 2 vols, 1847, or odd Wycherley (W.) Miscellany Poems, folio, 1704 Yachts, Large Prints of, especially coloured Young (Arthur) Any of His Travels Zastrozzi, a Romance, by P. B. S., 1810 Zoological Society of London, Proceedings and Transactions of |
Coloured Military Prints, Military Costume; also Coloured Angling, Sporting, American, Australasian, and English Views. Fancy Prints of the Morland, Wheatley, Bartolozzi, and similar School. Immediate Decision, Communication, and Settlement. Readers of this List are assured that there are THOUSANDS of books not therein named which I am (not only willing, but anxious to purchase. If anyone thinks he has anything out of the way - let him send it to me, or report it, and depend upon my treating him honourably. LIBRARIES PURCHASED. - Gentlemen, Executors, and others will find it to their advantage to communicate with me before disposing in any other way of a Library or small collection of Books. Competent buyers sent any distance. First editions of modern authors a speciality. I HAVE THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST COLLECTION OFFERED FOR SALE IN THE WORLD. |
Great work. Have gained so much info here.