Found in the extensive Peter Haining book and ephemera collection - a xerox of The Vampire in Literature: a Critical Bibliography (edited by Margaret L. Carter, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.: Umi Research Press 1989.) Principally a bibliography of vampire fiction in English, but also covering drama, anthologies, nonfiction studies of vampires in literature, and including a checklist of non-English vampire stories readily available in translation. It follows Bleiler in using an alphabetical key to the different types of literature. The most disappointing is category H - '...Vampirism...explained away as a hoax, delusion, or misunderstanding.' Books with 'rationalised' plots are generally avoided by collectors of the supernatural. M.L. Carter does not seemed to have missed a trick, except possibly a genre that occurred more recently - the retelling of a classic story with vampires added…
Al - Vampire as member of a separate species, whether originating on Earth or not. Frequently the text leaves the point of origin unrevealed.
Examples: Baker, Scott. 'Nightchild'. 1983.
Dicks, Terrance. 'Doctor Who and the State of Decay'. 1981.
AlH - Alien, humanoid.
Examples: Asprin, Robert Lynn. 'Myth-ing Persons'. 1984.
Baker, Clive. 'Human Remains'. 1984.
AlN - Alien, nonhumanoid.
Examples: Huson, Paul. 'The Keepsake'. 1981.

An - Vampire animal, as opposed to a human vampire who merely takes animal shape.
Examples: Quiroga, Horacio. 'The Feather Pillow'. 1907.
Dow, Packard. 'The Winged Menace'. 1931.
Bat - Intelligent bats or bat like or bat-winged humanoids.
Examples: Bradbury, Ray. 'Uncle Einar'. 1947.
Delaney, Samuel R. 'They Fly at Ciron'. 1971.
Bl - Blood-drinking, which qualifies a story, even if not supernatural, for entry if this act is central to the plot.
Examples: Caraker, Mary. 'The Vampires who Loved Beowulf'. 1983.
Carew, Henry. 'The Vampires of the Andes'. 1925.
C - Vampire has a "cameo" role in a work that is not primality a vampire story.
Examples: Howard, Robert E. 'Conan the Conqueror: The Hyborean Age'. 1950.
Koontz, Dean. 'The Haunted Earth'. 1973.
Dem - Vampire as demon rather than an undead human being. Also includes elemental spirits.
Examples: Howard, Robert E. 'The House of Arabu'. 1915.
MacDonald, George. 'Lilith'. 1895.
Dis - Vampirism as disease.
Examples: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 'Rappacini's Daughter'. 1844.
Lovell, Marc. 'An Enquiry into the Existence of Vampires'. 1974.
DisH - Disease, hereditary and/or metabolic. As a mutation in a human line of descent, overlaps with vampire as alien.
Alexander, Karl. 'The Curse of the Vampire'. 1972.
Keller, David H. 'Heredity'. 1947.
DisI - Disease, infectious, usually involving a microorganism. Vampirism in Raven's 'Doctors Wear Scarlet' is metaphorically infections, being a lean red addiction.
Examples: Hambly, Barbara. 'Those Who Hunt the Night'. 1988.
Duigon, Lee. 'Lifeblood'. 1988.
En - Energy-draining predator, otherwise known as a psychic sponge. Includes those who feed on emotions, souls, or other intangible "products" of sentient victims.
Examples: Rives, Amelie. 'The Ghost Garden'. 1917.
Rechy, John. 'The Vampries'. 1971.
Ex - Extradimensional entity, usually nonhumanoid, as in the works of H. P. Lovecraft.
Examples: Smith, Clark Ashton. 'The Testament of Athammaus'. 1932.
Fl - Consumption of some substance of "fluid" other than blood, such as bones, marrow, spinal fluid or neural tissue.
Examples: Blish, James. 'The Unreal McCoy'. 1967.
Bradbury, Ray. 'Skeleton'. 1945.
Ga - Garment that transforms the wearer into vampire.
Examples: Bloch, Robert. 'The Cloak'. 1939.
Ge - Geographical space or topographical feature, such as a pool or a grove of trees, drains energy.
Examples: Punshon, E. R. 'The Living Stone. 1939.
Benson, Edward Frederic. 'And No Bird Sings'. 1928.
H - Vampirism is explained away as a hoax, delusion, or misunderstanding. Sometimes combined with a disease theory. Also applied to stories dominated by the vampire motif even though no character seriously entertains belief in the supernatural.
Examples: Barnes, Linda. 'Blood Will Have Blood'. 1982.
Bloch, Robert. 'The Bogey Man will get You'. 1946.
Imm - Corporeal immortality, if invoking passage through a kind of death and/or dependent on cannibalism or the daring of blood or energy.
Examples: Lytton, Edward Bulwer. 'The Haunted and the Haunters'. 1859.
Quinn, Seabury. 'Clair de Lune'. 1947.