Found on the front cover of the Boston- published bibelot The Cornhill Booklet of July 1901 is this advert for ‘HOMO, A Periodical for Men and the Women who look over their shoulders’. The advert tells us that the magazine was issued once a month at one dollar for the twelve numbers of the year and that the address in all cases was HOMO, BEVERLY, NEW JERSEY.
That’s it. The advert tells us nothing about the nature of this new venture—whether it was literary or otherwise—or who the contributors might be. The Net is quiet on the subject too, apart from informing us that the magazine lasted no more than a year, which speaks volumes, one supposes. So here’s a challenge to all in the Jotosphere. Would anyone who has seen a HOMO please report back to JOT 101 HQ with a full description of it? [The word did not have pejorative overtones at this stage, Partridge in his Dictionary of the Underworld dates its use as ‘homosexual’ from 1937.] RR
The Library of Congress has a run from Vol 1 Nr 1 (June 1901) through Vol 3 n5 (October 1902), with the annotations that it ceased with the latter; was monthly (evidently each volume was six issues?), and was edited by one J.C. Worthington, who may or may not be the same as the author of manuals/articles on photographic practice (the LoC does cross reference them).
Many thanks for this further info DH – quite why is was called ‘A Periodical for Men and the Women who look over their shoulders’ will remain a mystery… N