The Perfect Christmas eighty seven years ago

Sealing Wax Set

Sealing Wax Set

More advice taken from Rose Henniker Heaton’s

The Perfect Christmas (London, 1932.)

Presents for Schoolgirls

Stuffed Comic Animal

Extra long-legged Doll

Own Tea-Set

Fitted Pencil Case

Note-paper with initial

Book (if carefully chosen).

Watch or Clock

Purse with money in it ( notempty)

Bright Scarf

Hockey Stick

Autograph Album

A Diary and Confession Book.

A ticket for herself and a friend ( to be chosen by herself) for a play

Travelling Photo Frame


Sealing-wax Set.

Jewel Case with secret drawer

Gramophone Record

Chocolate Drops covered with hundreds and thousands.


Presents for Schoolboys


A pair of Handcuffs (most popular).

A Silver Watch

A Knife

A set of Meccano

A Kodak (with year’s upkeep).

Fountain pen

Book on their special subject

Pistol with caps

Small rifle

Box of Conjuring Tricks

Box of Chemistry outfit

Red Indian Tent

Red Indian Suit

Tram Conductor Outfit

Jigsaw puzzles

Wire puzzles

Roller Skates

Real Ice Skates

Chocolate drops covered with hundreds and thousands

Ah, those innocent days when a boy in South London got given a pair of handcuffs, a small rifle and a knife for Christmas and got away from the crime scene on a pair of roller skates !

Make a Note

  • Send out the Christmas Pudding in good time to sons and nephews in regiments and ships abroad ( the Post Office thoughtfully supplies a list of dates).
  • If a child has ‘ flu or measles and cannot come to your party, make up an exciting parcel of the crackers, Christmas presents and oddments she would have had and send it to her, with a little note.
  • Do you know any old soul in an Almshouse who would be cheered all through the year by a subscription to a weekly newspaper? Say a sporting paper to an old bedridden jockey, of a “ fashion and society” weekly to a retired lady’s maid, or some Australian or Canadian paper to an old Colonist
  • Order an inexpensive posy of flowers to be sent every Saturday to a very old lady. Even the simplest flowers are welcome, and it is something for her to look forward to.
  • Arrange for boxing, tennis or cricket coaching for your favourite godson, and consult him on the choice.
  • Give your grown-up niece a course of first-rate dress-making lessons.
  • Send letters and parcels in Good Timeto distant friends—it makes all the difference.
  • Invite at least one stranger-in-the-land to a friendly meal, and don’t assume that someone else is sure to look after them.
  • If you are sending any useful gifts to the local workhouse, find out if there is any Come-down-in-the world, and send six handkerchiefs, nice soap, and sponge, good tooth-powder and brush, razor and shaving soap, and a pack of cards—the sort of things you would like yourself under the circumstances.
  • Pay all tradesmen’s debts.
  • Make up any stray quarrels you have on hand.
  • Buy yourself a nice present as a reward. [R.M.Healey]




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