24 page pamphlet, published by the National Book League, London 1966. The favourite books of such diverse celebrities as John Lennon, Julie Christie, J. Paul Getty, Joyce Grenfell, Philip Larkin, Harold Pinter, Margery Allingham, Joan Sutherland, etc. John Lennon had chosen some interesting books. he has divided them into up to the age of 11 (Alice, Wind in Willows), teens (Brave New World, Animal Farm, 1984, Sartre, Steinbeck, Thurber), from the age of 20 (De Sade, Heller, A.A. Milne, Alan Watts), current reading (Thomas Stanley, Pre-Roman Britain).
Harold Pinter chose 2 Becketts, a Donne, a Dostoyevsky, a Joyce, and Kafka's The Castle. Philip Larkin plumped for Barbara Pym.
Other Lennon faves were Little Women, Passover Plot, Primal Scream and books on Macrobiotics
I heard that John was very anti sugar and had John Yudkin: Pure, White and Deadly about his person (or library). Hunter Davies said he was the only Beatle with a proper book collection. SS