If happiness were really attainable through the doctrine of
everyone for himself, the world would at once become a
very happy place. (English Review, London 1918)
Filson Young (1876–1938) was a journalist, who published the first book about the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 only 37 days after the sinking.
Found in Ambrosia by Request ( A Companion Volume to Nectar in a Nutshell) Allen & Unwin 1946. Previous to the Titanic Filson Young had a succès de scandale in 1905 with a novel about prostitution The Sands of Pleasure (much admired by Jean Rhys.) Later James Joyce was disappointed when Filson's publisher Grant Richards failed to persuade Filson to write an introduction for the first edition of Joyce's collection of stories, Dubliners, which Filson had been one of the first to praise when the manuscript had reached him in his capacity as Richards' reader. What he would have made of Ayn Rand is unknowable.