Two well known members at the Gargoyle Club were the spies Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean. Luke recounts a night of serious drinking where Maclean walked between tables loudly proclaiming 'I am the English Hiss' (i.e the American spy Alger Hiss) and after a few more drinks 'I work for Uncle Joe'. No-one took the slightest interest assuming his behaviour was just pour épater. At the time he was head of the American desk at the Foreign Office.

Luke is unclear as to precisely when it finished but a rock and roll night in 1956 was considered a sort of death knell. The evidence of there being members like Ginsberg, Corso and Terry Southern indicates that it may have struggled on into the 1960s. Michael Luke,author of David Tennant and the Gargoyle Years (1991) was the son of Sir Harry Luke, friend of Baron Corvo. It is unlikely had Corvo still been around in the 1930s he would have been a member ( 4 guineas a year). More members from Michael Laws roll-call to come..
[Theatre & Films] Robert Newton, Anne Newton, Michael Redgrave, Freddie Ashton, Gottfied Reinhardt, Sylvia Reinhardt, Wolfgang Reinhardt, Anthony Asquith, Peter Glenville, George Minter, Dennis Foreman, Ken Tynan, Adrian Pryce, Sally Anne Field, Hermione Gingold,
[Regulars & Adventurers] Quentin Crewe, Colin Crewe, Sally Crewe, Xan Fielding, William Moss, Michael Alexander, Richard Wolheim, Anne Wolheim, Ran Antrim, Anthony Frere Marocco, Michael Morris, Poldy Loewenstein, Bianca Loewenstein, Werner Alvensleben, Henry Weatherall, Hugh Cruddes.
[Politburo & Mainstream Regulars] David Tennant, Hermione Baddeley, Virginia Bath, David Tennant Jr., Pauline Tennant, Sabrina Tennant, Georgia Tennant, Henry Bath, Daphne Fielding, Tony Vyvian, Robert Boothby, Patrick Kinross, Angela Culme Seymour, Maynard Keynes, Bertrand Russell, Clair Bell, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, Paul Roche, Diana Mosley, Nancy Mitford, Jessica Mitford, David Herbert, Augustus John, Philip Toynbee, Victor Rothschild, Richard Wyndham, Roland Penrose, Lee Miller, Anthony Powell, Violet Powell, John Sutro, Gillian Sutro, Ivan Moffat, John Hayward, Phillip Dunn, John Strachey, Isabel Strachey, James Strachey.
[Mainstream Regulars] Derek Jackson, Gotfried von Hoffmanstahl, Lisa von Hoffmanstahl, Iris Tree, Auberon Herbert, Michael Young, Peter Watson, Norman Fowler, Brian Howard, Sara Langford, Rodney Phillips, Monica Phillips, Mark Culme Seymour, Robin Campbell, Mary Campbell, Clarissa Churchill, Michael Harrison, Maria Harrison, Poppet John & Pol, Joy Craig, Dennis Craig, Robert Heber Percy, Pauline Gates, Sylvester Gates, Igor Vinogradov, Claud Cockburn, Ralph Partridge, Francis Partridge, John Young, Ray Parsons, Alan Peile, Freddie Ayers, Nancy Cunard.