Britain's Best. A Story of the Olympic Games (Diamond Library, London 1920)

A flimsy story pamphlet with no author noted. The plucky story of George Compton of the Littenden Harriers. 'His form was simply amazing, in the first race he defeated some 20 competitors.. his time for the (100 metre) sprint was an astonishing 10.3 seconds, 5 tenth of a second inside the Olympic say that Azra Arnold was savage at losing is but feebly to express the feelings that raged inside his breast...' A mysterious conspiracy follows to stop him running in the Olympics. The book ends "Oh yes I intend to complete again at the next Olympic meeting in 1924, when I hope to retain my place as record holder for the two short sprints; for I mean to keep up my training...I hope to see Great Britain do even better in the 1924 Olympic Games.'