Found in Mostly Monsters by John Robert Colombo (Ontario 1977). A curious work of 'found' poems mainly from monster books and movies. For example, this piece extracted from Gustav Meyrink's 1915 novel The Golem:
But this I know-
That there is something here
In our quarter of the town...
Something that cannot die,
And has its being within our midst.
From generation to generation
Our ancestors have lived here
In this place,
And no one has heard more tales
About this reappearance
Of the Golem-
Happenings actually experienced
As well as handed down-
Than I have.
Another 'poem' is taken from a publicity handout for Merian Cooper's 1932 movie King Kong:
Height 50 feet
Face 7 feet from hairline to chin
Nose 2 feet
Lips 6 feet from corner to corner
Brows 4 feet 3 inches
Mouth 6 feet when stretched as a smile
Eyes Each 10 inches long
Ears 1 feet long
Eye-Teeth 10 inches high, 7 inches at base
Molars 14 inches round 4 inches high
Chest 60 feet in repose
Legs 15 feet
Arms 23 feet
Reach 75 feet