Found in Photoplay from April 1965 this speculative article about The Beatles by Anne Hooper -'Where do they go from here?' Some now slightly forgotten names are mentioned -Pete Murray, Ray Noble, David Jacobs, Maureen Cleave and also the unfortunately not forgotten Jimmy Savile ('that crazy, way-out disc jockey') who claims (surely falsely?) that he worked at Liverpool docks with the lads...
What is to happen to our golden boys? How along will they last? What will they be doing in , say five years time? These are among the dozens of questions that are asked today about the phenomenal Beatles.
Rumours of splits and break-ups are often heard. Fierce competition from groups like 'The Rolling Stones' has had the fans shaking their heads and saying, "Well, they've had it good, but can't last." But it has, though. The Beatle's last single "I Feel Fine" proved that the boys were still very much on top. They haven't been eclipsed by the Stones and, with their second film about to be produced, they're not likely to be by anyone...
Some people, intimately concerned with The Beatles, talked to us when we asked for the answers to the questions "Where do they go from here?" People like George Martin, their recording manager and old friend; Dick Lester, the director of 'A Hard Days Night'; Jimmy Savile, who compered the boys' recent stage show; Pete Murray and David Jacobs; Cliff Richard, a rival who has lasted out the pop competition for six years; and journalist Maureen Cleave, who travelled with the boys in America.
George Martin could not see the boys wishing to ever stop working."They love their work," he said.
"What on earth would they do if everything stopped?
"They like pressure. At recording sessions they are the ones who keep us going all day till midnight, not the other way round. They really seek perfection each time they make a record…
"As The Beatles, the boys have had to stand more tension and stress than any other group in show business. They're very fond of each other, and their crowded life has drawn them together rather than put them apart.
"They depend on each other for friendship. They lead a lonely life because new friends are suspect. New friends could be friends for the wrong reasons. For example, on New Year's eve, Paul, George and Ringo spent the evening with me. The only reason John didm't was because he had to go to Liverpool for the day to see relatives.
"They'll go on improving. They won't retire because there's nothing really to retire to. They enjoy what they're doing too much to give it up.
"What do I think the boys would say if they were asked tp predict their future? I think they'd laugh and send you up. I honestly think they'll keep going for life."
Jimmy Savile, that crazy, way-out disc jockey, had a more light-hearted point of view. "I think," he said, "the boys will have to retire when they're 28, because they'll have used up all the money in the world. There'll be none left for circulation!"
Jimmy swore he could give precise details about their future. He started off. "Every day the alarm will, go they'll drag out of bed, have a cup of tea, leap into their fast motor cars and drive into town."
Jimmy spoke of the past. "Some time ago the boys and I used to work together on the docks at Liverpool. At least, it was called work. We were supposed to move loads from A to B. But if we thought it looked interesting we might drop the crate gently on to the quay to find out what was inside. Didn't like shovelling up cold cream off the ground though!"…
Cliff Richard briefly made a point that no-one else had raised.
"The boys will stay at the top as long as they want," he said. Food for thought.
Journalist Maureen Cleave has probably written more about The Beatles than any other British journalist.
"It's impossible to predict anything for them," said Maureen. "I can tell you exactly what everyone else will say, but as for myself, just two things. The boys are very intelligent and very lazy. Wit that combination, anything could happen."
Rumour had it at one time that at the end of 1965 the boys were going to pack up, retire and enjoy the millions they've earned. David Jacobs thought this was unlikely. However, he didn't think the boys would continue together as a group for more than a year.
"I think John and Paul, will go on to become the Rogers and Hart of the mid-60's," he said.
"They'll probably concentrate on writing music. And no doubt John will go on to write a book to the music.
"And they might become a team inside a team. They could work as four individuals, but come together as a group once a year for a film."
Pete Murray speculated that the boys might eventually separate.
"They've already done more for British music than anyone, apart from a few greats like Ray Noble."
"It's difficult to say what a pop star will be doing in five years time. Every one thought Cliff would die a quick death but that was six years ago.
"The Beatles have reached a sensible level now, the adulation has settled down. This does not mean that their popularity has dimmed, simply that they are established. They could go on in the same vein for years, but they probably don't want to."...
The Beatles will go on and on for ever, vanishing over the horizon in a cloud of glory. Let's hope they never retire!