Praise for Everyman’s Encyclopaedia

Everyman's EncyclopaediaFound-  a bookmark advertising the virtues of Everyman’s Encyclopaedia.  For obvious reasons the set is now of very little value, except as decoration. In the 1920s, when these were written it was a (relatively) portable fount of all knowledge – hence these brief encomiums from the great and the good (and the titled). Sets could be bought with their own small book-case ‘in unstained oak’ and the deluxe versions in full leather (£7 10 shillings.)  It boasted 7 million words and 2700 illustrations plus a World Atlas.

Some opinions on Everyman’s

Prof. Sir J. Arthur Thomson

What an encyclopaedia! So comprehensive and yet so compact. It is like a well-arranged series of levers, releasing a wealth of potential energy with minimum effort.

H. G. Wells

I think it remarkably good value.

Viscountess Snowden

A wonderful production. These 12 volumes form a library in themselves, a never-failing source of information and delight.

Sir Arthur Keith

I have searched its pages and have found without fail an accurate and adequate statement of the best and latest known. It is a veritable triumph.

Rt. Hon. J. R. Clynes

Subjects and events of recent date are covered beyond all expectation.

Rt. Hon. Sir A. Chamberlain

Admirably written and edited, it contains a surprising amount of information. The pages open freely and the print is clear.

Sir Josiah Stamp

I have used Everyman’s Encyclopaedia constantly. It is an invaluable work.

J. B. Priestley

At the price it is a most extraordinary production. It is easy and pleasant to read and has been edited with great skill.

Dr. Ernest Braker

A work which (in its admirable little bookcase) will always stand on my desk, ready for immediate consultation as I write.

J. C. Squire

A true Encyclopaedia, containing compressed comment as well as facts and dates, and there is no work quite like it.

Dr. A. Mansbridge

A first-class working tool, at once the stimulus to intelligent curiosity and the satisfaction of it. 

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