Found – a publisher’s advertisement (T. Werner Laurie) for a book of cookery recipes for war zones. It was in D’Auvergne’s ABC Guide to the Great War (1914). The book itself is rare but a copy can be found at the invaluable Its full title is: A War Cookery Book for the Sick and Wounded : compiled from the cookery books by Mrs. Edwards, Miss May Little, etc., etc. (by Jessie M. Laurie.) It was aimed at ‘every nurse, whether Volunteer or Professional’ and has easy to prepare dishes for ‘Invalid and Convalescent Patients.’ Here is a selection of egg dishes. Obviously alcohol was considered useful and it is assumed that herbs can be fairly easily procured (parsley and thyme).
BREAD AND MILK.-Take a thick slice of fairly
stale bread. Cut it into tiny squares, and after having
cut away the crusts put it into an enamel saucepan
with about 1 pint of milk; boil up very slowly. Sugar
or salt to taste.
EGGS BAKED IN TOMATOES.-Choose rather large
tomatoes of equal size, cut a piece off the top of the
tomatoes, scoop out the pulp carefully, sprinkle on a
little salt and pepper, break an egg into a cup and pour
it into the hollow of the tomato, place on a greased
baking tin and cook slowly until the egg is set, basting
with a little butter.
Serve on rounds of buttered toast
with a little parsley sprinkled over the top of each.
3 or 4 eggs, 3 or 4 tomatoes, butter, chopped parsley,
salt and pepper, buttered toast.
(Enough for three or four people)
BARLEY GRUEL.-To 1 quart of water add 1 oz. of
pearl barley. Boil until reduced to 1 pint. Strain and add 1 glass
of port wine. The port wine is not necessary unless specially
ordered by the doctor. Milk can be added instead of water if no wine is required.
EGG AND MILK.-Boil the milk; pour it on to the
well-beaten egg, add the sugar, brandy and nutmeg.
Serve with a biscuit.
1 new-laid egg, 2 gills milk, teaspoonful sugar, 1 dessert-
spoonful brandy, nutmeg to taste.
SCRAMBLED EGGS.-Take a small teacup of milk,
2 whole eggs, and a teaspoonful of flour. Beat well
together. Add a little chopped parsley and thyme.
Put about 2 oz. of butter in a frying-pan, and stir the
mixture until it thickens, adding a little pepper and
salt. When done, turn it into a hot dish and serve with
slices of bacon around.
EGG DRINK.-When the egg is broken and the
speck removed, add a little sugar and beat well with a
fork, but do not make it too frothy. Heat a teacupful
of milk and when nearly boiling pour it on to the egg.
A little sherry may be added.
WHIPPED EGG.-Whip the white of an egg, add
a teaspoonful of whipped cream, ditto castor sugar, and
if preferred a tablespoonful of whisky. Mix together
lightly in a tumbler.