Sealing Wax Set
More advice taken from Rose Henniker Heaton’s
The Perfect Christmas (London, 1932.)
Presents for Schoolgirls
Stuffed Comic Animal
Extra long-legged Doll
Own Tea-Set
Fitted Pencil Case
Note-paper with initial
Book (if carefully chosen).
Watch or Clock
Purse with money in it ( notempty)
Bright Scarf
Hockey Stick
Autograph Album
A Diary and Confession Book.
A ticket for herself and a friend ( to be chosen by herself) for a play
Travelling Photo Frame
Sealing-wax Set.
Jewel Case with secret drawer
Gramophone Record
Chocolate Drops covered with hundreds and thousands.
Presents for Schoolboys
A pair of Handcuffs (most popular).
A Silver Watch
A Knife
A set of Meccano
A Kodak (with year’s upkeep).
Fountain pen
Book on their special subject
Pistol with caps
Small rifle Continue reading