It is generally agreed that human beings acquire sleeping sickness from biting flies
The Pioneer.
It is estimated that about 16 foxes were shot or killed by the hounds
FOR SALE. Baker’s business, good trade, large oven, present owner been in it for seventeen years.
Headline in New York paper.
What is more beautiful for the blonde to wear for formal dances than while tulle? My
Answer—and I’m sure you will agree with me—is ‘ Nothing’.
Worcester ( Massachusetts) Evening Gazette.
Mr Lloyd George, patron saint of the Liberal Party, was a very astute gentleman with both ears glued to the ground. Naturally, he could not see very far ahead.
Scottish paper
A representative said that people saw in the movement a real big octopus which would put its ring around them and swallow them up.
Essex paper
This criticism is not open, as Britishers would be, and consequently is difficult to nail down, but, lie a snake in the grass, is whispered behind a hand which covers a sneering face.
Letter in Rugeley Mercury
In the first important utterance of the Chairman of the Board, he has, so to say, thrown the Board overboard and ploughed his own canoe.
Ceylonese Paper.
Said a Farnborough shopkeeper, ‘ The Council is pulling the bread and butter from under our feet’.
Farnborough Paper.
The great white elephant which is slowly emerging from the chrysalis at the end of Sepoy Lines has yet to be opened.
Malayan Paper
The rich man’s motor may sow the seed of the class war, but the landlord’s horse yielded the milk of human kindness.
Bradford Paper.
‘Gentlemen, we will have nothing to do with it; it is but the thin end of a white elephant.’
Hampshire Town Councillor.
Speaking at Mablethorpe Council meeting, Councillor P. Thomas said: ‘ This Council is fiddling while Mablethorpe is settling under the pounding hoofs of motorists.’
Local Paper.
Fortunately for the workmen the glass fell perpendicularly, for had it fallen vertically, the accident in all probability would have proved serious.
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