‘In France most people talk French, but in Paris most Parisians talk slang.’
Anar de la Grenouillere, The Continong (1894).
So said the author of this best-selling guide to travelling in France. He offered twelve pages of examples, but here is a small selection, with the occasional intervention from your Jotter.
Va falloir abouler, mon vieux You will have to stump up, old fellow.
Allez vous asseoir. Go along with you.
Il a une araignee dans le plafond. He has got a bee in his bonnet.
Se renvoyer la balle. Log-rolling.
Baptiser. To dilute wine with water.
Cette maison est une vraie baraque. This house is a wretched place, a miserable shanty.
Bassiner. To bore to death.
Monter un bateau, To impose upon one.
Becot. A kiss
Bernique. Not a bit of it.
Beugler. To bellow out. Also to weep.
If a fait son beurre. He has feathered his nest.
Bidard. A lucky chap.
Devisser son billard. To kick the bucket.
Avoir une biture. To be drunk.
Je n’y vois que du bleu. I can’t make head or tail of it.
Blinde. Boozed.
Ferme la boite. Shut up. Boite also means Public School.
Ca me botte. It suits me to a t.
Ce restaurant est un vrai bouchon. This restaurant is a nasty dirty place.
Bouffer. To guzzle.
Bouillon d’onze heures. Drowning or poisoning.
Bouis-bouis. A small theatre, low music hall, or restaurant.
Yeux en boule de loto. Goggle eyes.
Braise. Money.
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